Chapter 4

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{AN: Check out the images to visualize the world better}

The Belltower was designed for younglings. The high ceilings and solid rock was the only thing that could contain the moody dragon babies. Viri has visited Belltower a lot since she's come to Athoms.

Younglings are sensitive to everything. Viri decided to stop by the academy for a quick bath and change of clothes - they didn't have to be triggered unnecessarily. She changed into fresh clothes. The green's dressed like royals. Viri was just getting used to her brown wardrobe when they promoted her. The green uniform was supposed to help you blend better but the Greens always stood out in a crowd.

She walked to the bell tower. The bell tower was located close to the palace. The Forests of Athoms covering both. The building was the definition of architectural brilliance but the younglings didn't care. There were fresh damages each week. Ramiel, let Viri in easily, he was used to her monthly visits. The tower didn't need guards, nobody voluntarily visited the younglings. There was a unnatural silence, it's their usual trick. Make the intruder feel the place was empty before they met with their nightmares. After they sensed her, the bell tower broke into life.

The young dragons were like pups. They liked attention and some even wagged their tails. They liked Viri but knew to keep their distance. Some of them sat on the first floor, with their books and waved at Viri as she passed by. Viri noticed the new tails and congratulated the ones who showed progress. Steven, the youngling who had cried in Viri's arms last month, stayed behind the curtains, she gave him a smile anyway. The poor kid had wet himself, it was embarrassing but Viri knew better than to bring it up ever again.

Today's visit was for the west wing. The older younglings. As soon as Viri stepped into the courtyard, she knew something was wrong. Usually this bunch would walk around laughing or going after each other to establish the bigger dragon. Today, there was an eerie silence. And so Viri approached with silent steps.

The sight was terrifying. The dragons lay mid transition which meant the human forms went unconscious because of the pain and were stuck. If they remained this way more than 2-3 days, they'd die. There were five here, which meant the others had to be close. Viri ran to the closest one. As she reached the red dragon, she realised the wings were mid way out. The kid could lose her shoulders.


Viri turned to find the larger group hiding behind the stairs.

"It's Viri, what happened here?"

The kid looked at his friends and went on, "They started turning. And then became angry. Like really really angry. We tried to help but they started hurting us. They didn't mean it I'm sure but it got too painful."

Dragons didn't hurt each other. It was against their nature. Which made this odd. They'd fight but they'd never act out. Maybe this was a puberty thing.

"Sir? Can we help?"

These kids could be annoying about the ranks but when they were scared they did sound more adorable.

"Help me wake them up? Can you?"

"Sure!" And then before Viri could clarify they all started making dragon noises. It was loud and not what she had in mind. Two of the fallen dragons moved.

"I was thinking of a more... "

"Miss me?" Sam jumped out of thin air again. The half fire dragon youngling almost burnt him out of shock. Sam patted the kid. For a water dragon, Sam was oddly very affectionate.

"I'll wake them up. Can you guys go down the hall? We'll call for you when your friends are up." The younglings followed. Sometimes Viri forgot that Sam was an easy threat to everyone. Sam bowed to Viri and changed.

Sam was a full dragon, a rarity in these days. The kid has had a rough childhood, him and Viri both. They've both seen their parents die. Sam however, had accidentally killed his mother in his sleep at the age of 12. A common youngling mistake. Everybody was okay with it, except Sam's younger sister - Emerald. Who till date, doesn't speak to Sam.

Sam as a dragon was beautiful. The color was one of the prettiest Viri had come across. The same colour as his eyes. The kind of blue rivers turn when they have an urge to live and thrive. Viri would draw Sam but she trusted the Queen's skills better.

Sam splashed at the younglings, a spray of water. He was always trying to show off infront of Viri, trying to show Viri that she could trust him, he didn't think she'd notice. The younglings slowly started to awake, Sam turned his eyes to Viri, anxiously. The younglings would start to tear apart everything they saw when in pain. Her face however had a smile. He blushed a darker blue.

Sam had been careful with the water. Not a drop on Viri. The kid was learning. She gave him an encouraging smile and then turned her focus to the younglings. They started screaming as soon as they woke up. Sam stood his ground, his head bent over Viri in a protective arc.

Viri started counting to 5. She needed the younglings to sense her presence. It usually took them a while. Two were crying in pain, three started to jump at Sam. And she waited.

And then their eyes locked with Viri's.

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