Chapter 24

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Sam stopped a long way before where the panther was. It drank from Sedra. Sam knew, he had felt it. They got off the water and Sam removed the water particles from them immediately to stop any water dripping noises from alerting the animal.

Sam walked without a sound. But Viri, walked like death. You wouldn't see her coming. Viri had all her weapons hidden inside her clothes, except the samurai sword. She wore her hair tight and her clothes were close to her. A simple black shirt and pants. Sam had his sword and crossbow. He had a bunch of twisty knifes around his belt but he primarily depended on water. They were both invisible except for their eyes and Sam's hair.

They saw the panther drink water. Sam could take a minute to absorb how perfect it looked. All that muscle and instinct, at ease near the water. Sam was perched on a tree to the animals right, ready to act if it jumps on Viri and Viri was on the tree right behind the animal. Waiting. It didn't know. It had no idea.

The panther slowly turned away from the water. And as it's claws touched the ground, Viri landed on the ground without a sound. The animal stilled. And Sam tensed. He watched them stare at each other for a solid minute and noticed that Viri hadn't touched a single weapon.


Sam almost lost his grip because of the shock. The panther spoke! A speaking panther?!

Viri didn't seem as shocked as him. She smiled. "Hello, brave one. We meet again."

"You've come alone?"

"No!" Sam jumped from the tree and oddly, the creature flinched at that. It clearly didn't understand the idea of a threat very well. Sam would kill it without a blink if I tried anything though.

The panther studied both of them. Sam slowly walked towards them and chose to stand behind the animal, facing Viri.

"You...have come to hunt me?"

"No hard feelings" Sam urged from behind. The panther sounded upset at Viri.

Viri bent down on one knee. Too close.

"No. I've come to understand. You will not be harmed. What are you?"

"I'm only a creature of the forest. A ghost. I suppose it's not surprising that you don't remember."

Sam was confused. "Um...creature of the forest who talks? You sound like.." and then Sam stilled.

"A shape shifter."

It made sense. Viri didn't know this but before the great tragedy at the palace, shapeshifters and the dragon people got along. They'd fought battles on the same side against a common enemy. They could turn into any animal but a dragon. They fought bravely, they were protectors. Many stayed at the palace to heal from the war. The queen was kind to them all. Until the death of the heir. That's when they were sent back, until...this one.

Viri seemed too cool at the revelation. Well, maybe this was Aeck? Sam had to clear his head to hear what Viri was saying.

"A shapeshifter. It's lovely to meet you. We met, at the shrine. You came to me, didn't you?"

"Yes. I've tried to find you for a long time now."

That got Sam intrigued. "You've tried? Why? And where were you looking?"

The panther slowly turned to look at Sam. And then spoke.

"Near the belltower. I've felt you there on many days. It's not the most discreet place to find someone. I didn't know if you were real. But the day at the shrine, I felt it. I just  didn't know how to react."

Sam could relate to that bit. "No judgements. She does have that impact on people."

The panther seemed confused at the odd friendly tone Sam used.

"Shapeshifter. Why?"

Now the panther looked right at Viri.

"Because we've been waiting for you for a long time." And then it bowed. Like properly bowed. Sam was sure now that Viri was a weird earth dragon that mind reads on the side. But he was confused about something else.

"We? You mean you and the Aeck?"

The panther didn't look at anybody. It simply breathed, "yes."

Viri was back on her feet. Her movements startled the panther.

"Take me to the Aeck."

The panther took a step back. Nodded. And then turned to look at Sam.

"I...I have mentioned you. But neither of you are expected. The water dragon might be...might danger."

Sam would be offended had he not been terrified. Did he pee a little?

Did this black cat just tell me I'm in danger? What the hell is going on? This is a fucking panther. I'm a water dragon you furball! I have to stay cool for Viri. Am I going to die? Is this my last day? Should I hug Viri one last time? I haven't even exhibited all my water tricks yet.

"Lead the way shapeshifter. I'll manage."

The panther started. It walked slow and firm. They were headed towards the shrine. Wherever Aeck was, they'd been close to it that day at the shrine. And yet, today, Sam was mortified.

Viri squeezed his hand with her own. The vivid image of his own dead body blurred out completely at that contact. All of Sam's nerve endings seemed to be on his hands. Viri held his hand to reassure him, it lasted maybe 30 seconds but Sam felt it in slow motion again. She'd slipped in her hand which was oddly warm against his cold scared hands. His hair was falling over his blue eyes and he closed him for a second as his heart calmed down.

"Whatever happens, I need you to remember that I won't let anything bad happen to you. Not if I can help it. Okay?"

Sam was following a panther. In a dark forest. Towards the potential cause of his death. And yet the ancient feeling creature near him was all he needed to keep his feet moving ahead. He pulled her close, placed a small kiss on her forehead, let go of her hand and said


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