Chapter 58

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Viri had walked into the heart of the party. Aeck had been nervous and asked both Jade and Viri to close their eyes. He'd wanted them to see him only after he got Sam's approval. Viri and Jade cooperated easily. Jade waited for her to dress and then escorted her to the party. Jade was not subtle about his thoughts, Viri could hear him clearly screaming at himself for using very descriptive terms to describe her in his head. She decided to not acknowledge it.

Jade looked elegant. He'd chosen an all black suit that was cut perfectly to compliment his features. (Top right) Viri had been given a red set, in spirit of the merchant festival - everybody wore suits. She just happened to be wearing a lace top beneath it - Sam had meant the 'tease' bit very seriously. (Bottom right) With her hair up and half a glass of wine in her, she let her eyes find Sam.

Sam was easy to spot in a crowd. He'd always been easy. But today, he'd worn a hat, so a little harder than usual. But when those blue eyes set on Viri, they lit up. Sam and Viri matched - both dressed in red, with a lot of their chest in display - nobody complained. Sam crushed her with his bear hug and gave her a quick bite of something he had been eating.

Sam realised quickly that Jade was standing a feet away. He'd moved away, giving them the space. Viri watched Sam's attention shift wholly onto Jade.

Sam : Hello there.

Sam dramatically took off his hat and bowed to Jade. Jade...was at a loss of words. His throat had gone dry, Viri tried to hold her laugh in.

Jade : You...look....

Sam arched an eyebrow and stepped closer to him. His body language translating to 'yes...?'

Viri helped Jade.

Jade : Hot

Sam's eyebrows came together and then relaxed as he laughed. Jade tried to rephrase,

Jade : I look....I just look attractive. Red...suits you. I mean, all colors do. That is... The outfit...this outfit looks good on you.

Sam : I told you I'd get that compliment out of you shapeshifter. (And then in a whisper) You should see me without it. (wink)

Jade choked on his drink and looked away from Viridian. Viri did not stop the smile. Sam bent sideways to whisper to Viri's ears, "should I tell him he looks very undressable or is that inappropriate?"

Viri : Oh were you trying to be appropriate?

Sam elbowed her lightly and leaned in to kiss Jade quickly on his now very red cheek. Jade was evidently not used to public display of affection. Unfortunately for him, Sam was all about affection.

Sam : You look perfect. Although...why are your buttons all done? Doesn't go with the theme.

Jade (trying to realise this is his new life, one where gorgeous white haired man compliments him) : I...I didn't want to...

Sam : Oh well, that's reason enough. Nothing that makes you uncomfortable.

Jade was learning how much Sam cared about comfort, especially his. His attention, was elsewhere. He was still unsure why people expected him to talk when he was looking at Sam, all well built and tall and ... why hasn't he undone all the buttons?

Sam : Cause I'd like to leave some things to imagination.

Pleased with Jade's reaction to that, Sam turns to stand perfectly between Jade and Viri. Jade is sipping his drink with a small smile caused by Sam's fingers caressing his palm. Sam turns to Viri.

Sam : Are you okay?

Viri : I not look okay?

Sam : Well you look a combination of 'dont touch me and touch me, I dare you'

Viri : Exactly what I'm going for

Sam (laughing freely) : I love you

Jade stilled at that. Sam didn't notice. His eyes were on Viri and Jade realised it wasn't directed at him, he didn't know if he felt disappointment or relief? Or a little of both? Where was Aeck?

Viri : How was the kiss?

Sam (in visible shock) : Oh my gods, is it that obvious?

Viri : You two are terrified and excited. Easy guess.

Sam : We'll discuss the details. I have many thoughts. Do you think I should work on my forearms?

Viri : What?

Sam : He kept looking at those stupid potatoes the whole time. I had my sleeves rolled up, maybe my forearms aren't attractive anymore.

Viri laughed out loud. She couldn't help it. Sam looked pleased to have made her laugh and then, as she fought small happy tears from her eyes, they landed on Aeck. In a small corner... Talking to Bee...listening intently. He looked... He looked... Happy?

Sam caught her.

Sam : He came to me for fashion advice. I like him a little more now.

Viri : You gave him fashion advice?

Sam : Well I almost thought of cheating on Jade, the boy cleans up good.

Viri smiled, nodded and watched Aeck slowly recognize her. He stopped mid-sentence. When Bee stared at him and then followed his eyes to Viri, she nudged him towards her. Viri found herself hold the wine glass tighter, she kept her face relaxed. Unaffected.

Aeck had been talking to Bee, he'd asked about her friendship with Viri and that had got her talking. Bee had an ache in her chest when she spoke of out of concern. And so Aeck took his time to soothe her mind...her mind that had been all over the place, Bee relaxed perfectly, her shoulder ache was not going to be there tomorrow. That was all until he saw her, standing next to Sam...and he forgot everything.

Aeck walked towards Viri. She looked perfect. Threateningly perfect. He didn't mind. His instincts should have told him to walk the other way but he was a lost man, he walked right into her, as close as was possible. He'd worn green, a deep green, a color he was starting to get very comfortable with. He knew that's why Sam got it for him.  (Top left) His eyes took in every detail of her, her hair - up and pulled back, her top - he could see the place his thumb had rested earlier today,  his favourite - the steady hold of her shoulders and then that little smile dancing on her lips. But when they got close, he was fixated on her eyes.

"Cleans up good" was the understatement of the year. Sam was bloody good at clothes - Aeck looked... captivating. His amber eyes gleamed as did the small gold details of his tux. The green...the green was everywhere...covering every sharp detail of him. Viri would have noticed more had she been able to look beyond his eyes. A few minutes passed.

Sam and Jade looked at them and then back at each other. Jade, worried for Aeck's life and Sam, worried for totally different reasons. He broke in,

Sam : Are you two eye fucking each other?

Trust Sam to break a moment. Aeck didn't mind though, he smiled deeply.

Aeck : Not familiar with the term.

Sam : Viri knows. She'll explain it to you, won't you love?

Viri looked at Sam, drank the rest of the wine and then smiled.

Viri & Aeck : You look....

Sam : Try something other than hot and perfect. We used it.

Aeck : (Winking at Sam and then looking at Viri) Divine.

Sam : Oh now you're just showing off

And with that all of them giggled and started to enjoy the party. It was easy. They ate a lot of things, and danced freely. Bee joined them and they tried to dance the village song in a circle. Aeck was so happy, he was sure he could die. Viri had taken her time to compliment him, it had been worth it. Sam and Jade had slipped into the kitchen, Aeck didn't want to know why...he was happy. Insufferably happy. His face was going to hurt.

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