Chapter 41

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Aeck and Jade were in the kitchen. Jade was nervous and all over the place. He'd taken a shower after all the cleaning and had worn his best shirt. He'd combed his hair too. He was preparing dinner as if his life depended on it. And then there was Aeck.

Aeck seemed. His face was neutral and he grilled the meat with a strange sense of calm. Aeck had to talk today, so he'd took out a couple of wine bottles. Just in case he'd have to face goodbyes.

Jade took care of the sides and the presentation. He was arranging the plates when Sam arrived. A water dragon had no business looking this hot, Jade thought to himself. Sam, ofcourse came in his usual casual attire but the black shirt brought out the white of his hair...and it all played well. Enough to make Jade pause for an unusually long time.

"Is there something on my face?" Sam asked, a little worried.

Jade snapped out of it. "No. Nope. Nothing at all. You're good. You're great." He was hyperventilating, he needed to shut up. But Sam smiled at him anyway.

Aeck joined them with the wine and water. The three sat down. Aeck kept his eyes on Sam. He wanted to remember what he looked like.

"Is there something on my face?" Sam was definitely worried now.

Aeck : You know Sam, you are rather good looking. Did you know that?

Jade was staring at Aeck wide eyed.

Sam: "I'm fairly aware, yes."

Aeck : May I confess something to you?

Jade was starting to get really worried now. He did not expect to feel threatened by Aeck. Was he going to turn into a third wheel? How had the energy in the room shifted this quick? Where was the last god?

Viri walked into the room and noone had sensed her - not a full dragon, not a shapeshifter and not even the god. Everyone jumped on their seats as Viri slowly sat down on her chair. She'd worn yet another pair of clothes that didn't fit her but managed to look polished. With her hair up in a ponytail and an old sweater - Viri looked very huggable. Aeck tried to drive out the last thought away from his head.

Viri : Am I too late?

Sam : Right on time. Aeck was going to confess something to me.

Viri and Sam exchanged a glance and then their eyes landed on Aeck with childlike curiosity.

Aeck : Well, you know I was taken by the general when I was little. It...took me sometime to understand that I was held hostage. When I'd heard that I was held by fire dragons my brain, at the time, completely rationalised that the only way out..

Aeck & Sam : ..was a water dragon.

Aeck : Yes. I always pictured you defeat the fire dragons and then get me out. Ofcourse as a I got older that dream died. But having met you now, it's been a pleasure.

Sam nodded : Thanks for telling me.

Sam couldn't believe a god, an old god had been waiting for him, little old him to rescue him. It was extremely strange.

Aeck continued.

Aeck : I attacked the Belltower. It was me, both times.

Viri : Tell us the long story. Not the short one.

Aeck let out a sigh. Jade clenched his fist. He looked at Sam and the gaze that was returned made him a little steady.

Aeck : How much do you know? Give me something so I can tell you everything you need to know.

Sam : We know that there have been attacks at the younglings. We know you've attacked others. We know general black is the one who's kept you here. We know all the Black's are involved. We know you're the god of pain and the lost heir. That's...about it.

Aeck : Have you ever wondered...why you are a full dragon Sam?

Sam : Not really, no.

Aeck : Not a nice memory for you, I apologize. Have you ever wondered why Athoms hasn't seen very many full dragons in a while?

Sam and Viri were not expecting this direction.

Viri : No? Some are born halflings and some aren't, as far as I'm told.

Aeck : Well, some of that is true. The dragon people are born with a specific set of skills and then as they grow, they show these skills. However, I'm sure you've noticed that there are many full fire dragons, hence the black line of your army.

Sam : You're telling me the Black's are the reason why there aren't many full dragons? It can't be! The younglings are protected in the Belltower, they could do nothing.

Aeck : Aah, yes. The Belltower... ever wonder why they haven't once shifted the younglings out of there? Even during repair? The place where they keep the younglings is the reason for this. As the younglings grow, the gatekeeper of Belltower slows down their powers.

Viri : Ramiel? How is that possible? I've seen him, he does nothing all day.

Jade : Ah Ramiel, you see lord, he wasn't a gatekeeper. He's from my lands. There we call them inhibitors. They slow down energy, of shapeshifters and here, of dragons. Shapeshifters need them as they grow older, they help contain the shifts. He was a war prisoner but they've let him out.

Aeck : Ramiel, is an inhibitor from the land of the shapeshifters. He's been guarding the tower for years, nobody's questioned it because nobody visits the Belltower. If they had they'd notice that the man doesn't age.

Viri : Why? Why do this?

Aeck : Because they like to play god. And eliminating competition is always a good war strategy.

Sam : Wait hold on. But I'm a water dragon. And I was in the Belltower.

Now Aeck smiled. He was very happy to be the one with the information.

Aeck : Yes but did you actually spend time at the Belltower?

Sam was speechless. He had spent all his time at Sedra as a kid. He spent very little time reading and most of his time he spent researching about Viridian. They'd bullied him. Recklessly. He didn't know why. He looked at Aeck.

Aeck : I had nothing to do with that, you have my word.

Sam was startled. He was only getting used to Viri's mind reading, he'd forgotten the other god could do it as well. Whenever a painful memory appeared in his brain, Aeck seemed to read it. Sam made a mental note of it.

Viridian : The Blacks captured you as a boy. Got you here and have been stopping the transformation of full dragons for years. I'm assuming they want to take over the monarchs?

Sam: It seems that way. Although why would anybody have a problem with the king and queen's rule?

Viridian : If you had a god in your court, you'd want to be in charge.

Aeck smiled sadly to that.

Sam : I have to ask this. You're a god and I know your kind is powerful. How does one trap a god?

Viri felt Aeck's heart pick up and then give up. She understood it, she hadn't asked because she knew. They'd done it to her once, she didn't want to believe it could happen to someone else.

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