Chapter 51

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Aeck sits down on the couch. Moves his hands to cup the sides of his face.

Aeck : She's not the first woman I've met.

Sam comes down to sit on the other end of the couch.

Aeck : Can she....hear any of this?

Sam : Nope. For whatever reason, she's decided to dunk her head under water, don't ask me why. Go on.

Aeck : I've only met the fire dragons. The Blacks take in the young fire dragons from the Belltower when they reach about...15? They train them, keep them away from Ramiel.

Sam nods.

Aeck continues : when I was younger, I'd only see Jade meet people. And then get lucky. He'd find people at some town bar?

Sam : I'm familiar. Never seen him there once though.

Aeck : He goes after midnight. Waits for the loners. Once I got older, he told me "he has needs".  (Sam and Aeck laughed in unison) Till I was maybe 16, that was the only source of real interaction, something to keep me sane. He'd tell me about all his flings and I'd be so into it. Because I'd never known what that feels like. I'd memorized all possible pick up lines from every book I read incase someone ever decided to show up.

Sam : Please tell me you had something else know...go through that phase.

Aeck : Oh yes. I had all kinds of books. *Wink wink*

Sam laughs too hard that he slaps a hand on Aeck's head. Jokingly. Realises it's a god he's hit, immediately flinches.

Aeck : Please...don't. Feel free to hit me. Really.

Sam : Poor choice of words but okay.

Aeck : And then around 19, when "I'd shot up like a gaint" in Jade's words, I had these fire dragons, ones who suddenly had an interest in me. Mostly the newer recruits. At the time, I was convinced I was some captive prince, getting my way. The sadists came easier than the rest. Some convinced me we were in love, didn't take much you know, they'd bring me a new book or a wooden sculpture and I'd fall head over heels.

Sam suddenly had an image of drowning all the fire dragons. 

Sam : They messed with a god? Did they know you were a god?

Aeck : Yep. That's a weird turn on for some people.

Sam : That explains it. Sick asses. Never liked them.

Aeck : Yep. Anyway, so long story short, I've had physical things before. They lasted until I realised I needed more, which didn't take too long. I'm a terrible flirt. And I have had my feelings messed with, enough times for it to be traumatic. I'm in no position to play with anybody's feelings.

Sam : Hey man.... look I'm sorry. That was shitty. All of it, plain shitty. I'm just...protective of Viri. But if your intentions are right, I will be the best wingman there is. And believe me, I'm a great wingman. I have real wings, for starters.

Aeck laughs.

Aeck : That's good to know. But Viridian...I don't want to fall in love with another god, I can't imagine where that would go. But I like her and I don't see any reason to fight it.

Sam : Makes complete sense.

Aeck : I just want to be around, you know? Help her in anyway I can.

Sam : Also makes sense.

Aeck : So we're good?

Sam : Ofcourse we are! Hey, join the Viri fanclub! I stay president, obviously. Jade is also a member, he just doesn't know it yet.

Viri comes out to see Sam and Aeck hugging each other enthusiastically on the couch.
She clears her throat. Sam and Aeck look at her. And then suddenly, it hits Sam.

Sam : Oh no I forgot about Jade!

Sam runs off to the barn. He was supposed to ask Jade to fly in through the room's window.

Viri puts her hair up in a towel and begins to roll on some socks when she finds Aeck stare at her.

Viri : You...want to shower?

Aeck continues to stare at Viri. Why had he said love? It makes no sense, it's way too soon, they met this week. She's a god! Are they even supposed to like each other? The old gods fought each other, didn't they?Is it even allowed to like her?

Viri : Please talk so I know you're not dead.

Aeck clears his throat : Yes. Uh huh. Yes. Not dead.

Viri : Okay... (Viri sits down on the side of the bed) Like the ocean?

Aeck : It was perfect. I made a friend.

Viri : Awesome. You can see more of the village tomorrow.

Aeck : me? Don't you mean 'we'?

Viri : Well, I have to take care of something. I'll be here for dinner.

Aeck : You're going to get the gemstone?

Viri nods.

Aeck : I'd like to come.

Viri : oh you don't have to. It won't take much time. We'll have to help Bee for the party tomorrow, it'll help us blend in and she needs the extra help you know. And you could stay with Sam, he knows how to give me a signal, it'll be safe, I promise.

Aeck : I'd like to come.

Viri looks up now.

Viri : You aren't asking are you.

Aeck : Not really.

Viri smiles now. Wholeheartedly.

Viri : You learn fast. Alright. You can come.

Sam enters through the door and Jade has flown in through the window and headed straight for the bathroom. Viri points at her hair and Sam happily dries it off. She hops into the bed, ready to sleep. Aeck and Jade settle into the little makeshift bed, Jade is determined to not look at a 'post-shower' Sam. Sam kisses Viri goodnight and falls asleep right next to her.

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