Chapter 68

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Emerald came in soon after that news dropped. She reported that the guards were switching and that someone was headed straight for the dungeons.

Sam : Why?

Emerald : I'm not sure. Viri asked me to expect it, I'm supposed to make sure Jade is taken care of? Where is he?

Sam (looking at the tiny rodent by his shoulder affectionately) : Taken care of. No worries. Why would Viri send a fire dragon though?

Emerald (turning to Aeck) : He's coming to meet you.

Aeck looked at Emerald. She was wondering how he could have spoken to Viridian like that earlier. He was stuck between guilt and pure jealousy.

Emerald walked off to guard a different position now. She was somewhere out there, Sam tried to talk to Aeck who seemed to be concentrating on something. The godling was definitely processing Jade's news. The dungeon door opened.

Felix : Well I'll be damned

Aeck snapped up at that. He would recognize that voice anywhere. Felix was one of those fire dragons who came to visit the cave. He was devastatingly pretty but his personality covered it perfectly. He was a demonic eclipse, one nobody cared to look at.

Aeck : Here.

Felix : I know where you are. Miss me?

Felix was short. A pale boy, with red hair and red eyes - it looked like he was on fire without the flames ever touching him. Aeck could easily get rid of him but he always held onto the amber gemstone too tight.

Aeck : Not really.

Felix (dramatically) : You wound me lover. I've missed you, deeply.

Aeck : Nobody else to torture?

Felix : Well, nobody's as good as you.

Felix let himself into Aeck's cell. As he turned to close the door, his eyes met Sam's lazy stare.

Sam : Hello Felix.

Sam was sitting inside his cell with something that looked like a rat in his arms. Felix has heard of Sam, he'd never met the water dragon. But when you're fire and water, you don't need a reason to despise each other.

Felix : Samuel. Well isn't this interesting...what is a water dragon doing down here?

Aeck looked at Sam. Telling him to stay out of it. There was no need for Sam to get involved with Felix's petty remarks. Sam, of ofcourse, would do no such thing.

Sam : Am I making you uncomfortable Felix? Or are you shy to proceed, now that I'm watching?

Felix knew he breathed fire, that's where his confidence was rooted. But he knew Sam would take it down. The only thing that gave him confidence now was the gemstone in his pocket. One he'd asked for multiple times to the general. Tonight, somehow, the general had agreed. Why, Felix didn't know, he didn't care. He knew it was a good time to punch, let out some steam. Looking at Sam, he almost winced at the irony.

Felix : Why would I be uncomfortable. I don't think you realise what this is but it's more powerful than you water dragon, and right now, it will follow my command.

Sam's smile was equal parts fascination and pity. He knew Felix could make Aeck hurt Sam, or atleast, that's what he truly believed. Fire dragons were too headstrong to ever read. He continued to pet Jade.

Aeck : What do you want?

Felix : You.

Aeck (mockingly) : Well, tada.

Felix (with an evil smile growing on his face) : Your humor is still rotten I see. Tonight calls for entertainment, go ahead Aeck, entertain me.

Aeck was used to this. Fire dragons entered his cave proudly whenever they had the gemstones. The slight seconds when they couldn't find it were his favourite. They'd always ask for something humiliating but when you're a god, you hear what people pray for, what they're scared of. It was hard to be intimidated. Like right now, Felix was here because he needed a distraction. Which usually led him to Aeck. He'd ask him to strip, make him turn around a few times and then he'd start with the meaningless kisses. Aeck didn't even need to take a breath to prepare himself.

Sam : Wow Aeck, you must work out.

Felix (irritated) : Stay out of it water dragon.

Sam : Well since I'm also being made to watch, I'd like to appreciate out loud.

Aeck knew what Sam was doing. He was trying to distract him. Sam isn't the type to sit back and watch in horror. He'd rather annoy the hell out of Felix until he no longer wished this. Aeck decided to play along, there wasn't much to do anyway.

Aeck : I do work out. Not as much as you though.

Sam : Well I am a full dragon, I come with my charms.

Aeck : That's right, isn't Felix here supposed to be a full dragon too?

Sam : Felix know fire dragons, all that fire melts away the good parts. The lack of sex life hits them really hard.

Felix : Shut Up! Both of you! Do not talk as if I'm not here.

Felix caught Aeck's lose collar and kicked him as hard as he could. Aeck bent a little in pain.

Sam : Oh it wasn't his fault now, was it?

Felix : Would you like to see what I can make him do? Is that why you're being particularly annoying.

Sam : Have I spoken too many words for you to comprehend? Oh dear. Please...allow me to make you comfortable with my silence.

Aeck managed a smile.

Several things happened at once.

After pulling off his shirt, Aeck started at his pants. Felix moved the chair in the cell with his feet towards himself. There was a loud screech. And then Aeck was staring into a pair of vivid green eyes.

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