Chapter 31

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Viri has been staring at Aeck for 10 minutes now. Nobody has moved. Sam would try to get her to sit but angering a god didn't seem like a good idea. The shapeshifter has kept his eyes down. The Aeck is standing tall but his eyes stay humble. Sam starts to picture what would happen if Viri lashed out. As if on cue, Viri's eyes lift their weight off Aeck. She unclenches her jaw and begins to sit down.

The shapeshifter lets out an audible sigh. Everyone decides to sit down. Sam doesn't know what's weird, dining with gods or having a talking owl sit on the same table. Sam sits next to Viri, the shapeshifter has nervously taken the seat infront of her and the Aeck sits Infront of Sam. One look at the god and Sam knows he's trying his best to not startle anybody. The tension in the air is odd. The shapeshifter's voice cuts in.

"We...did not know what you like my lord. If the food doesn't suit you, I can go make other arrangements."

Viri glanced at the food. Sam thought it looked good. She then rested her eyes on a shaking owl. She realised it was scared of her, something she hadn't registered a while ago.

"The food looks good. Thankyou."

Sam took that as a cue to dig in. He knew the shapeshifter wanted everyone to wait for Viri but he couldn't take the tension any longer. He threw a couple of things into her plate and then his own. The shapeshifter seemed plainly offended at that. Viri didn't seem to mind. The Aeck just sat frozen and looked at Sam. It hit him suddenly that he had to lead this conversation. Introduce two gods, no big deal.

"Um....Viri...this is...this is the god of pain. I mean...Aeck, his name is Aeck. We met this morning. He's the one who seemed to have taken care of me."

Viri's eyed softened at the last sentence. Neither looked at each other but Aeck added softly, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise." Is all she said.

The shapeshifter was moving his wings to get Sam's attention. Sam responded quickly, "Oh and this ofcourse, is the shapeshifter. He...I don't know what he does really."

The shapeshifter followed quickly, "Jade. The name is Jade my lord." For some reason the owl looked expectantly at Viri. She didn't seem to understand why.

Sam broke in, "What do you do, exactly?"

The shapeshifter now had a receptive face. "I do things here. I take care of Aeck, I hunt around and do errands. I manage the place really."

"Your place is lovely."

Viri said as she smiled at the owl. That seemed enough validation for Jade. He seemed calmer. Viri was trying really hard to not ask any questions. Sam giggled a little at her attempts to eat politely. She looked at him and smiled shyly. Viri was trying the mashed potato on Sam's plate when the first question dropped.

"How did you"

It was the shapeshifter. Sam was visibly attacked by the question. Viri however felt at ease.

"We met at the academy. I was promoted last month as a Green, after the last war."

"And you two have been dating...since?"

Sam choked on his food. Viri had to hit him on the back to keep him from dying. His face had turned beet red.

"We're not...*cough* we're not dating. We're friends."

Viri nodded. And then helped Sam with the nearest drink.


The shapeshifter seemed to constantly trigger Sam. What does he mean 'how'? Do I look like someone who's difficult to befriend. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

"The Gods can have friends too Jade. We're not without emotions." Aeck's comment seemed to hang in the air. The two gods looked at each other then. Nobody knew if they'd attack each other but the intensity of it could melt a mortal in seconds. Viri was the first to look away.

"My apologies my lord. There's still a lot I don't understand about the gods."

"It's alright. There's a lot I need to understand as well. You may ask what you wish."

That comment from Viri ignited something in Sam. It felt like a free pass that would be rude to pass. Everyone else on the table seemed a little scared to start. So Sam did.

"How do do you know what I'm thinking."

Viri took some time to think. She wanted to answer this right. Everyone was curious, even Aeck.

"I don't always know what you're thinking. It's only when you're scared. Fear opens your mind to me. If you're not scared then your mind is closed off."

All three seemed to nod thoughtfully. Sam stared at Aeck - tried to get him to continue. The god definitely didn't get the hint. So he spoke, "Do you do the same?"

Aeck chewed for a second and then responded, "I don't have the same level of...practice."

"Did your parents know of your powers my lord?" Jade asked.

Sam shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He didn't like asking Viri about her past. He wasn't sure he wanted to. Viri however, continued.

"I didn't meet my mother. I was raised by my father. He wasn't around much because of work. But right about when I was five, he found out."

"And so you fled to...Athoms?" It was Aeck this time.

"Eventually, yes."

The two gods smiled. Viri didn't know how the Aeck knew that she had fled her father but the understanding in his eyes seemed unplanned.

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