Chapter 53

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Sam has been looking at Jade. The man hasn't looked up at him once. He'd specifically worn the blue shirt (He'd thanked Bee, Viri had helped him make this arrangement, he knew he looked especially good in blue). He'd combed his hair and pushed it back to bring attention to his blue eyes. He was positive he looked good. And yet, Jade's attention was on a stupid potato. Sam tried to keep the food from burning.

Sam : You good?

Jade : Yes.

Sam : Want to switch?

Jade : I don't...don't know how to make these things.

Sam : Want to learn? I'm an excellent teacher. *Wink*

Sam had been in charge of the cooking and Jade was busy chopping.  They were facing each other but Jade couldn't look at Sam yet. Jade had just started to adjust into the inn kitchen when Sam had emerged, looking like a freaking summer dream. Jade had dropped his knife at the first eye contact, he was still recovering.

Jade : I'll... I'll just watch from here. Thankyou.

Sam : Oh....(sounding upset) is something wrong? Are you worried for Aeck?

Jade had been worrying about Aeck before Sam decided to bless the kitchen. His mind had been busy looking at Sam's exposed forearm, that goddamn blue cloth on him, the way it showed all the right parts of his shoulder blades - gods they looked sculpted, the smooth shift of his legs as he worked in the kitchen. It had all been too distracting.

Jade : I...I was. (It wasn't a lie. He had been. Very long ago, but the past tense wasn't a lie)

Sam : Not anymore?

Jade : Well...Viridian is with him. If the Blacks do find him, atleast he'll have a shot at survival. Besides, he's old enough to take care of himself. I just hope he behaves himself in the company of the god, he doesn't have half the skillset....

Sam had moved closer to Jade. He had noticed a little too late. He was awfully close now. Jade couldn't stop himself from looking at those big beautiful blue eyes.

Sam : He's never left you, has he?

Jade chose to keep his eyes wide and mouth closed.

Sam : You've been the one who's left with a promise to come back. All these years. This is the first time the boy's gone out. Which is why you're worried. The baby bird left the nest.

Jade : I....I suppose that's fair. I am worried. I'm just...he'd a god, he can handle it.

Sam : It's okay to be worried. He'll be back.

Jade : (now having absolutely no control over his reputation because his eyes were fixated on Sam's) You seem oddly comfortable talking about this.

Sam: I feel comfortable talking to you. About you.

Jade : And why don't we ever talk about you?

Now Sam smiled. A wide happy smile.

Sam : You want to talk? About me?

Jade : I....I....I mean....yeah...sure.

Sam jumped back to sit on the counter Jade was chopping on. Whatever was on the stove had his partial attention.

Sam : Well, ask me. Whatever you wanna know. I must warn you, I tend to brag.

The knife now had a life of its own in Jade's hand. He had absolutely no idea why it was swinging in loopy circles as he tried to bring down the giggly energy in his stomach. He had been on many dates, many. But this one, if this was that, made him feel like a teenager - dizzy and pumped.

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