Chapter 59

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Viri : You've had that smile on today

Aeck (turns around in the bar stool to find Viri sit beside him) : It's been perfect day. I'm sorry you had to go through that though.

Viri : Thankyou for being there.

Aeck : Thankyou for trusting me

Viri smiled and looked ahead, not meeting his eyes.

Aeck : So explain to me, what is 'eye fucking'?

Now Viri turned to him, an interesting smile on her face. She didn't speak, she only met his stare. Aeck didn't know how much time passed, but he didn't care. He'd felt her eyes patiently shift their intentions, it had experience.

It started as amusement, curiousity, the smallest hint of longing and then the smile dropped. And he felt every nerve ending in his body react to it. Her eyes seemed...more focused, he had a distinct feeling she knew what she wanted and it was starting to look a lot like it it was him. It was when her eyes slowly moved towards his lips that he'd stopped breathing.

Viri slowly moved out of her chair, as she came closer, her eyes lifted to find his eyes. She stood for a second, seeking permission, Aeck didn't hesitate, he allowed her to move in closer. She stood very close, extremely close. His right arm on the table was now gently brushing the back of her coat. She leaned in, Aeck tried to keep his other arm resting on his leg. He didn't dare to move. As she came closer, he felt all the places their bodies touched, his eyes slid to the space between her shoulder and neck, the place he'd kissed her earlier today as her soft voice whispered in his ear.


Ofcourse. Ofcourse. Aeck sat there, minutes after Viri had laughed lightly and left to talk to Bee. He'd watched her leave till the last second. His body was still recovering from all that sexual tension. Was she toying with him? This can't be real. Was she flirting? He needed some perspective, he ran towards Sam.


Sam was very annoyingly disturbed by a knock on the kitchen door. He had been giving soft kisses to Jade's jaw who was telling him about how Sam's forearm had indeed held his attention. Sam, with great difficulty, let go of Jade to find Aeck on the door.

Sam : Um...foods on the table buddy.

Aeck : I think she likes me.

Sam didn't need any more clarification. He took Aeck's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

Sam : Tell me everything. From the beginning. Don't leave out anything.

Aeck and Jade stared at each other. Nobody spoke for a minute.

Jade : Is this about the god?

Aeck nodded.

Jade : You've started liking the god?

Aeck nodded.

Jade : I'll go keep her company. You two...discuss this.

Sam smiled and then gave parting kiss to Jade, Aeck looked at Jade trying to hide his satisfaction.

Sam : It's time for the merchant parade. Keep her company, would you? She likes to stand a little away from the people, okay?

Jade took that information very seriously and left.

Sam : Start.

Aeck : Okay so, we were sitting, and then I asked her what 'eye fucking' meant.

Sam's face was that of someone who was planning a war strategy. Aeck continued anyway.

Aeck : So...I asked her. And then she didn't talk. So naturally I assumed she didn't want to tell me. But then she smiled and then her eyes....her eyes did this thing.

Sam : What....thing?

Aeck : I don't know... They were on me and suddenly became really hot. I don't think I was breathing. And then she leaned in closer and I thought I died but then she whispered, "That" and left me.

Sam's face was still serious. 

Sam : She did this...out of nowhere? Did anything happen between you guys?

Aeck : Well... I kind of...

Sam : Go on, I won't drown you. Yet.

Aeck : Well...when we went to get the gemstone...I may know...held her.

Sam : Viri?

Aeck : Yeah....

Sam : What was wrong? Did she need a hug? Was she crying?

Aeck : She was in pain. And I...I didn't have the time to I held her. And then...I may have kissed her.

Sam : You make out with people when they're in pain? That's a weird turn on.

Aeck : No! I didn't...we didn't ...I kissed her neck. It was...I don't know okay....I just feel really comfortable around her and then whenever she opens upto me I feel this irrational need to hold her (using his hands hopelessly) and touch her and kiss her. It's just....aghhhhh why is this so overwhelming.

Sam (finally starting to smile) : You really like her

Aeck : Yes

Sam : And you're worried if she'd like you back

Aeck : Yes. Very.

Sam smiled. Aeck let out a defeated breath and then smiled too. It was perfect. Too perfect. And then Sam saw Aeck's eyes go wide and the world went blank.

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