Chapter 7

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AN: Check out the images to visualize the world better}

It's 6 am. Sam is butt naked in the river Sedra. For a dragon, butt naked is simply the way of life, Sam loved that about Athoms. Noone was affected by nudity - both in dragon or human form. Sedra, the long river that enveloped Athoms in a loving embrace, was his favourite part of the kingdom. As the only full water dragon here, he's spent most of his time with Sedra, the river had been a kind friend when noone else was.

Yesterday was a victory. He did break a rib first thing in the morning but then he spent a lot of time being useful to Viri. He had dropped Viri by the academy last night. She walked away without so much as a glance at his direction and then he'd downed countless drinks at the city bar.

Had he done something? He must have scratched her. He had never carried anybody before. His wings sagged in the water. Was that something friends did? Carry friends who, for whatever reason did not change into their dragon forms too often? All those hours working on his strength, why couldn't he have tried to carry the stupid sandbag? He dunk his head into the water again.

"What happened to you?" Enthusiastic half dragons ran along Sedra in attempts to build their strength.

" I don't know. I can't remember. One moment I was on guard duty and the other I felt this insufferable pain. I blacked out immediately." Responded the other one.

Sam stayed underwater. He could hear them clearly, the water only enhanced his senses. What were they talking about? Was that one of the guards? Something or someone had taken a guard down, that couldn't be good. He felt panic building.

Their footsteps faded. As Sam waited to plop his head out, he heard a steady rhythm of steps. Someone else. Sedra turned still. The footsteps came real close and then they stopped. Sam could feel the river hold itself.

Was there an enemy? Was this what the guards were talking about? Was there going to be pain? Sam started to calculate all his strategies. Nobody could win him when he was in water. He reminded himself that he wasn't an easy target. Sam slowly willed his blood to flow all over.

After what felt like 15 minutes, Sam decided to move. He raised his eyes gently over the surface of the water and then scanned the perimeter. His eyes relaxed at the sight of Viri. Suddenly it made sense that everything had gone silent.

"I was beginning to think you'd drown yourself" Viri said with a smile.

Sam laughed.

"I was thinking. And sobering up. How did you find me?"

"Easy guess. I've been up thinking too. Something about yesterday was strange. I can't quite place it." Viri frowned.

Sam couldn't stop it. Viri looked concerned and it was one of her cutest looks. She'd always been that way, the first day at Green's camp when the newbies were being cornered, she had that face. When he'd met her in the city, outside Emerald's cafe, drunk out of his brains to even bow, she had that face.

"It was odd. I've never seen younglings suffer for that long. What was that, what triggered it?"

"Good question Sam. We know too little to conclude. Here, I got you a sandwich."

Sam's big strong dragon heart melted. Here he was, thinking he'd upset Viri. This domestic gesture from her was going to be a precious memory that everyone at the city bar would know by tonight. He would speak of this for atleast a month. Sam got out of the water and quickly changed and dressed himself. Viri had started chewing on her own sandwich, he grabbed his and tried to keep the tears in.

Viri had returned to her room last night with too many thoughts. None of it made any sense. She'd never seen anything impact younglings that way. She stripped out her clothes, washed herself and then slipped into the bare minimum for the summer night.

Her mind was racing. She stared at the wall, then the mirror. At the sight of her reflection, fear jumped right at her, everything came crashing back. But they'd stopped meaning anything. All that pain from the past, had ceased to make her feel anything. She slept once the physical exhaustion hit her.

"Oh! I heard one of guards blacked out on duty last night" Sam said. Pulling them both out of their thoughts.

"On duty? Was there a fight?"

"Nope. He just said he felt this 'insufferable pain' and then blacked out"

"Why would he tell you that? Was he seeking punishment?"

"Um...well I heard it. He didn't really tell me"

Viri gave him the look. The 'really? Is this how you gather information' look.

"Hey, just a water dragon doing his job!"

"Okay, okay. Well that does sound strange. Two strange things at the same night, that doesn't sound good."

"Are we going to... You know... Be the dynamic duo Athom needs to save it's younglings? And guards?" Sam asked without even trying to hide his excitement.

Viri giggled. The kid always got excited at the chance of teaming up with her. It was very rare and she really appreciated it. Never accepted it but appreciated it.

"The general wanted me to keep it a secret. But I will think about it"

The old gods had finally heard his prayers. After innumerable 'thats kind of you Sam, but I don't need you on this one' from Viri, "I'll think about it" was a huge development.

Sam had a grin on his face.

"It's sword training day"

The grin on his face, faded.

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