Chapter 48

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Sam : Okay I'm tired. That's it, I will not move any further. Somebody carry me. With care.

They'd walked for a few hours. The sun was starting to get brutal.

Viri : Let's take a break. We have a long way to go.

Aeck : Why aren't we flying? If you're worried about Jade, he can keep up.

Viri : Well, the two of us would gather too much attention in broad daylight. And there's only one full dragon in Athoms. So unless we want the Blacks to follow us, our best chance is walking.

Sam : I attract too much attention as is, the curse of charm. Are you keeping the earth dragons away Viri?

Viri : Nope. I had Clary help out. We'll meet her soon. Maybe I could get her to carry you...gently.

Jade had already dropped dead and regained enough strength to offer everyone some water. Aeck gets his bit and passes it on to Viri.

Aeck : How long would it take for us to get to the village?

Viri : About a week.

Sam : WHAT.

Viri (let's out a small laugh) : A day. Clary will get us through.

Sam : Oh thank the old gods. I hate living the jungle life.

Aeck and Viri stare at him. And he stares back. It takes him a minute.

Sam : Habit...

Viri : This should be fun. Now, who needs a noon nap?

Sam stretches out his arms and places himself under a tree. He pats the place next to him for Viri. Aeck isn't sure how this is safe at all.

Viri : We take turns to guard. I'll go first. Rest up.

Aeck : No, you've not had a second to rest last night. One of us can...

Sam : She wasn't asking buddy. Come on, take your nap.

Aeck looks at Viri, who gives him an unreadable face. He falls next to Sam and keeps his eyes open as the other two frost away in the warm afternoon sun. Aeck waits for 15 mins...then 30 mins...and then he can't.

Aeck : Should we switch?

Viri : No, you haven't slept, have you?

Aeck : I feel rested. I'm good.

Viri walks over to him. Her body blocks the annoying tiny bit of sunlight that had penetrated through the leaves of the tree. Aeck relaxes his face for a second and then registers that Viri is looking at him.

Viri : Why?

Aeck : ...What?

Viri : You're not sleeping. You've been at ease all this time and now you're scared. And not of me. Why?

Aeck : Because we're out in the open? It's seems odd to just sleep.

Viri lowers herself with a faint smile growing on her face.

Viri : What are you afraid of?

Aeck : You'd know.

Viri : I do, hence the question.

Aeck smiles. Having Viri quote him is extremely exciting.

Aeck : I'm scared that something or someone could find us. And then I'd be back at the cave. I know that's stupid but I can't help it.

The sun is on his eyes again. And the next second its not. Because Viri has moved just right. And Aeck is very grateful that the distance between them is getting lesser.

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