Chapter 30

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Viri found Sam perched near the small pond inside the cave. He had rolled his pants up and let the water touch his feet. His white hair had been pushed back, he'd clearly had a swim or two. As soon as his eyes landed on Viri, he straightened up and smiled. It was a different smile, a brave one. Viri could hear a lot of yelling from deep within the cave. Someone was very upset about how there wasn't anything useful around here to prepare a perfect dinner.

"Sam... What are you thinking?" Viri asked as she slowly sat down.

Viri jumped and sat on a stone that was far away from where he was sitting. He would usually be offended but he knew why she did. She'd wanted him to feel safe. The stone was at the right distance to talk but surrounded by water. It should've made him feel safer but he was simply hurt.

"That my friend is a god."

"Are you upset I didn't tell you?"

"No. It's none of my business. I just didn't expect to find out that way."

"I'm truly sorry. I've known I'm a different kind of dragon my whole life but I only realised I am what you call a god when we went into the shrine. The legends and everything."

"You saved me. Theres no need for sorrys"

"Then why are you afraid?" Viri asked in a voice so small, he almost didn't hear her.

"Viri... I'm not afraid. Well, I am but not of you. I mean I am scared of you but..."

They started laughing. It cleared his head.

"I was scared when you changed. There was too much happening. And then when I woke up and came to meet you, I realised I'd been friends with an old god this whole time, I've not been respectful at all."

"Being a god is... A new idea to me too. If you're weirded out that I'm one of the...the not so good gods, I can understand that."

Sam remembered their visit to the shrine. When Viri looked disturbed, her energy had dipped. It wasn't because of Emerald, it was because of him. How he's described the gods. He'd spoken too harshly of the dark ones.

"Viri... What I said at the shrine...that was based off of legends. Things I'd heard as a child. Whatever you are, god or not, I'm 100% into it. In like appropriate way,...sir? Lord?"

Viri giggled. "Are you trying to be respectful water dragon?"

"Hey...woah... I can try!"

"Uh huh." Viri was glad they could smile. This conversation had gone way better than she'd anticipated. Sam felt relaxed but not much. "You have questions."

"Oh my. You can read minds, can't you?"

Before Viri could speak, they heard someone clear their throat. Viri turned to a particularly stressed looking owl who tried very hard to not stare at her.

" served my lord"

Viri just stared at the bird. Sam spoke "I think he's talking to you Viri."

"Oh. Um...please lead the way." Viri and Sam got off and started following the bird. Who seemed to be short-circuiting between a parrot and an owl. Viri was intrigued and also touched.

"The shapeshifter has been super invested in taking care of you."

The owl turned its head back as its body kept marching ahead. It narrowed its eyes at Sam and then turned quickly before Viri could react.

"I appreciate it. Have you spoken to the Aeck Sam?"

"Oh yes. So, this may sound super strange but I actually don't think we should hit them with the questions right now. Is that...can that?"

"If you think we shouldn't then sure. Why though?"

"I don't know. I spoke to him. He seems...I don't know...I just feel there's more here than meets the eye."

The shapeshifter led them to the dining area. It was starkly different from this morning. The shapeshifter had clearly gone shopping and decorated the room with sophisticated pieces. He wasn't a minimalist. It looked royal, worthy of god's. There were flower arrangements across the room and the table had a variety of drinks. There was expensive liquor, wine and cold drinks. Someone had tried to "give it their all". The food had been presented well. It was mostly meat, bread and salad- Sam realised they didnt eat much else.

The shapeshifter waited patiently for Viri to soak in the room. He seemed visibly proud of his arrangements. The Aeck walked out of the kitchen with glasses, with his eyes to the floor, he placed him on the table. Sam realised then that the Aeck had dressed up. Not much but his clothes were definitely picked out and perfumed for this dinner. He chose a white shirt, a brown bowtie and perfectly tailored pants. The god was visibly excited and persistent on not messing this up. Sam was touched with the effort. He started to sit down.

He looked at Viri, who stared at the Aeck with a cold stare that only seemed infinitely pissed.

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