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Italics-This is when someone is thinking to themselves.

Regular- This is when someone is talking

Please enjoy this story, guys!


We see an enthusiastic boy chasing around and playing with a fox.

This boy is Y/N. He is the nicest boy you would ever meet. Sadly, being near him would cause you to hate him.

Y/N: Well foxy, I have to go home now.

The fox starts to whimper and rubs its snout against his face.

Y/N: It's ok Foxy. I will be back ok?

Foxy seemed to be a bit happier.

Y/N: I will see you later ok?

Y/N then runs off.

He stops running once he enters the village. As he walks by, the villagers look at him with disgust and anger.

Y/N notices this and looks down with his hair covering his eyes.

Suddenly, a small group of kids appears before Y/N with angry expressions.

Bully 1: Tch, What are you doing here?

Y/N: I-

Y/N goes to say something only to get punched in his stomach. Y/N falls to his knees while holding his stomach.

Bully 2: He can't even take a punch. No wonder your parents left you.

The bullies start to laugh.

Y/N lets a few tears spill knowing he can't do anything.

Bully 1: Is the baby gonna cry?

Bully 2: Why are you still alive? No one wants you here.

Bully 3: Hehe that's why-

???: RUN!

The bullies and the downed Y/N turn to see a villager running towards them.

Villager: You three need to get out of here! Leave the animal to die here! Grim are coming!

The bullies turn and run with the villager.

Y/N: W-Wait!

They either ignored him or didn't hear him because they kept running.

Y/N grunts as he gets up.

Y/N: 'I gotta hide somewhere.'

Y/N starts to run past houses until he sees a Beowolf eating a corpse.

He falls onto his back in fear.

The Beowulf looks up from its meal and sees the whimpering boy. It runs towards him with the intent to kill.

It gets cut off from someone cutting it half with a scythe.

Their red hood flutters in the wind.

???: Phew, are you okay...........

She turns around and looks at him.

(I don't own this! Well, you would already know that

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(I don't own this! Well, you would already know that.)

Once she looks at him she feels sudden anger towards him. As a huntress, she has to keep her cool.

With a strained smile, she says.

???: Hi! My name is Ruby! I have come here to save you!

Y/N: R-Really?

Ruby: Y-Yes! 'This is harder than I thought!'

Ruby hears a few roars and turns to see some Beowulf come from behind houses and out from behind trees.

Ruby: C-Come with me! 'I can't keep in this rage for long! No matter how disgusting and ugly this boy is! I have to save him!'

Y/N: 'She doesn't hate me?'

As they are running, Y/N trips on a branch cause g him to fall.

Ruby keeps running.

Y/N: Hey! Wait!

Ruby turns to see him attempting to get out of the hole as the Beowulfs get closer.

Ruby runs forward and starts to slice up the grim like there is no tomorrow.

Suddenly, a roar is heard causing everyone to turn towards the noise. The sound of footsteps is heard as something seems to be pushing the trees to the side.

It eventually comes out showing a terrifying monster.

It eventually comes out showing a terrifying monster

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It roars as it sets its sights onto Y/N.

Y/N turns to run only to feel something wrap around his legs. He looks down to see a tongue. Then he feels himself get pulled by it. Y/N turns to see it is coming from the creature.

All he could do is scream as he gets swallowed.

Ruby could only watch in shock and satisfaction from seeing him get eaten. Ruby is disgusted with herself for feeling satisfied.

The Skullcrawler roars and runs off.

Ruby clenches her teeth.

Ruby: I must report this to Ozpin.

She runs off after finishing off the other grim in the village.

Y/N is in darkness. All he can feel is the slimy insides of the Skullcrawler.

Suddenly, Y/N feels something pushing him out of the Skullcrawlers stomach.

After a minute, the Skullcrawler spits him out.

Y/N finds himself covered in the creature's spit and other substances.

???: Seems you have arrived Y/N

Y/N turns to see a woman smirking at him.

Y/N: W-Who are you?

???: You will find out soon enough.

The woman takes out a gun and shoots at him. Instead of a bullet, it was a dart.

Y/N suddenly felt really tired.

???: Don't worry, I won't hate you.


How was this? Did I get anything wrong? You gotta tell me!

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