Chapter 5: Travel

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I'm so addicted to writing this story!
I can't stop writing!


Y/N is currently sitting in front of the scaley woman. He recently scanned her, which showed that her subject name is SCP-682 AKA: The Immortal Crocodile.

It seems like Atlas has been experimenting on humans. Her name used to be Maria until she was kidnapped by Ironwood. Whatever he did to her made her immortal and gave her the skin of a Crocodile.

If any surviving members from Atlas try to take her back, they would need to get through Y/N and his entire army.

Y/N turns to see Autumn Rose standing behind him.

Y/N: Oh, hello mom.

Autumn: M-Mom!?

Y/N: Why are you shocked? I called you it before.

Autumn: I'm still shocked that you are *gestures to him* like this.

Y/N tilts his head.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Autumn: *sigh* It's nothing. Who is she?

Y/N: She is an experiment from Atlas. She was ripping someone's rib cage out when I encountered her.

Autumn's face paled.

Autumn: She was an experiment? Wait, you fought her!?

Y/N: Yes. It wasn't hard.

Autumn: What's her name?

Y/N: It's Maria. She used to have a normal life until she was kidnapped because of her heritage. I believe she was a Crocodile Faunus.

Autumn: A Crocodile Faunus? Aren't they really rare?

Y/N: Yes.......

???: Ugh......

Y/N and Autumn look towards the SCP.

???: Where am I?

Y/N: You are in my base, Maria.

???: Oh it's you, scary kid. Wait how do you know my name?

Y/N: I scanned your body and discovered your name and heritage.

Maria: Oh........

Maria looks at Autumn.

Maria: Who is she? Your wife or something?

Autumn: Wh-

Y/N: She is my mother.

Maria: Oh. So what do I do now captain?

Y/N: Nothing for now. We are currently relocating our base to the ocean. For now, you can watch us work or get used to the base for the time being.

Y/N then walks off.

Y/N gets the large doors and opens them. He once again slips through.

As he walks through the forest, he takes a look at the map.

As he walks through the forest, he takes a look at the map

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(The circle is where he will be relocating. They are currently on the dragon-looking continent.)

This means Y/N will need to cut through Vale or cut through the sea.

Before Y/N gets any further, he hears footsteps running towards him. Y/N turns to see Maria and Autumn running towards him.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Autumn: We want to come with you!

Y/N: Very well.....

Once they get to the open waters, Y/N opens his hand as a metal boat slowly forms into the water.

Y/N jumps onto it and gestures for the two women to do the same. Once he sees they are on, giant rockets appear on the back and they blast off to Vale.

5 Minutes later

Y/N: We are here.

They get off the metal raft and look around.

Autumn: Been a while since I have been here.

Y/N: Let's go.

The trio walks into Vale.


And done!

The next chapter won't be too bad I hope.

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