Chapter 20: Another Battle

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Ghidorah blankly looked at Salem who was bursting with energy.

Salem: I am a God! You have no chance of defeating me!

Ghidorah: Really now? You have been ripped apart more than I can count. Just admit that you are losing this fight.

Salem angrily clenched her first and then summoned some Grimm.

Salem: Tear her apart!

Ghidorah closed her eyes as a storm slowly covered over the entire city.

Ghidorah: It's about time I show you why I'm called Queen Ghidorah.

She opened her eyes to show them sparkling with yellow energy. Some of the Grimm shivered from the amount of power Ghidorah was giving off.

Salem: This power changes nothing! It just makes you an easier target!

Ghidorah: We shall see.

With Weiss, Zeno, and Ruby

Weiss: How's the cage coming!

Zeno: I don't know, my boss wanted no one to release her. It's like she wanted us to drop her in. Oh, wait......

Weiss: What?

Zeno: I know how to get her out!

Weiss: Aren't you already getting her out?

Zeno: Well yeah, but this building is about to fall apart.

To prove his point, a large piece of concrete fell from the ceiling.

Ruby: Whatever you guys are doing, could you please hurry up? The chain is getting loose!

Zeno: We just need to drop her into the shark pit and-

Weiss: WHAT!?

Zeno: Let the sharks eat up her cage, then pull her out.

Ruby: Sounds easy enough.

Weiss: What if we aren't fast enough!?

Zeno: Then we make a sacrifice or something. Alright, lowering the cage now.

He walked over to a lever and slowly started to pull it backward. While he did this, the cage was slowly lowering towards the shark pit.

Zeno: Don't worry! I fed the sharks a while ago, they should be pretty full!

Weiss: That doesn't help at all......

Once the cage was inside the sharks instantly started to eat their way into the cage. Despite seeing the hungry sharks, Ruby was unusually calm.

Weiss; I thought you fed them!

Zeno: Maybe it wasn't enough?

Zeno let go of the lever and made his way towards the pit with Weiss following behind him.

Once they made it over, Zeno hopped on top of the cage and pulled Ruby out through one of the bars that were destroyed from the impact of a shark.

Once she was out they jumped off the cage onto the hard floor. Ruby weakly fell to the ground.

Ruby: Ugh...

Weiss: Ruby? Are you alright?

Ruby: C-C-Cookies..... I'm so hungry......

Zeno: Seems like the lack of food finally caught up I her.

Zeno walked over to a locker, opened it, and pulled out a bag of cookies. He has walked over to Ruby as Weiss was making sure she is ok. He handed the bag over and watched as Ruby devoured the entire bag of cookies.

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