Chapter 9: Unsuccessful Capture

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We see a group of bullheads flying over a forest. We look towards the biggest and the most armored one.

It seems to be custom made to transport bigger animals.

Inside, we see a group of people sitting around. Their names were Mason, Bert, and Sky. These three were sent here to capture a Warbat. As you have probably guessed, they got it.

Mason: So this is the Grim we needed to capture? It looks kinda ugly.

Bert: It's not a Grim idiot. It's a random animal that we were sent to get.

Mason: Did I ask?

Bert: You asked a question. I answered.

Mason: Did I ask for you specifically to answer?

Bert: Can you shut up jackass? You wasting precious air.

Mason: Do you wanna scrap?

Bert: Sure. I'll win anyway.

Sky: You two sit down and shut up! Something's coming.

The Warbat inside its little cage perks up.

Mason: What the fuck is that!?

Sky and Bert run over to see Mechagodzilla running over to them.

Sky: It's the robot that destroyed Atlas!

Bert: He's a runner he's a tr-

Mechagodzilla's back opens up letting missiles shoot out.

Sky: Brace for impact!

The missiles fly past them while destroying multiple other bullheads.

Bert: Maybe it's here for that?

He points at the Warbat.

Sky: You may be right...

Mason: Obviously he is right dumbass!

Sky: Don't talk to me like that!

Bert: It's catching up!

Sky: Tch

Sky runs over to the front.

Sky: Activate the boosters!

The pilot nods and presses a blue button.

Giant boosters come out of the back of the bullhead. Then they blast off.

Bert and Mason both fall from the speed.

Mason: This is awesome!

Mechagodzilla stops and watches. His chest opens up causing 2 Warbats to shoot out towards them.

These Warbats are the teenager's parents.

And they are mad.

Bert: That was way too easy.

The teenager Warbat starts roaring. It's roar sounds like a laugh...

Mason: What the......

Bert: Is it laughing.....?

Sky: It won't be laughing once we kill his entire family and everything it loves.

Mason: How do you know it's a boy?

Sky looks at the teenager Warbat while it glares daggers at him.

Sky: Just a hunch......

Bert: You guys might need to look behind us.

Sky and Mason turn around again to see two giant Warbats flying towards them.

Mason: You have got to be kidding me......


Sorry about the short chapter! I had to get something out before you guys think I abandoned this story.

See you in the next one!

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