Chapter 17: Downfall

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Ozpin is seen looking at the carnage going on below him. Two individuals and their armies are trading blows. Salem, who is his ex-wife, and another woman.

Whoever wins, gets to destroy his school. Not exactly something he would like to see happen. This would mean he would need to intervene in this fight.

He has gained enough magic to put up a decent fight. Would it be enough?

Ghidorah and Salem have kind of been at a stalemate. They have lived long lives but only one has true combat experience.

Salem quickly starts throwing punches as fast as she could. Ghidorah dodges all of them with ease.

Ghidorah: This is the big "threat" Ozpin was worried about? Even Rodan is a bigger threat than you.

Salem roars in rage and she started picking up the pace. Ghidorah's body starts sparkling yellow electricity and she shoots it out towards Salem.

Salem doesn't attempt to dodge thinking it was just electricity with effects.

How wrong she was...

Once the attack landed, Salem was launched backward towards Beacon. Ghidorah grew wings and flew towards her. Salem was able to stop her momentum by sliding her feet across the ground.

Salem takes a breath and looks forward, only for Ghidorah to punch her in her face, once again launching her backward into the doors of Beacon.

Salem was able to recover quicker and she catches a fist heading for her stomach. She quickly kicked Ghidorah backward into a wall. She followed this up with a tackle causing them both to end up in a weight room of some sort.

Some students were doing a night exercise until these two powerhouses came out of a wall. They looked in shock as Ghidorah lifted a 100-pound weight easily and crushed Salem's head with it.

A girl screamed which caused everyone else to scream too. They seemingly screamed louder when Salem's head regenerated.

Before Salem could gain her bearings, Ghidorah used a Gravity Beam to launch her upwards onto the second floor. Without missing a beat, Ghidorah jumped after her.

The students were left in shock at what happened.

Cardin and his team were walking down the halls, just as Salem flew up from the ground.

Cardin: AHHH!

Salem ran behind Cardin just as Ghidorah threw a punch at her. Cardin's aura instantly broke when the punch landed and he was launched directly through Salem. The Grimm Queen's body healed almost instantly and she dropped kick Ghidorah into a dorm room.

The rest of Cardin's team quickly ran to their downed leader to check if he was ok.

The Dorm room Ghidorah flew in had a few girls hanging out in a circle.

Ghidorah quickly threw a punch just as Salem jumped into the room. Her face seemed to have sunk into her head once the punch landed.

Ghidorah dug her hand into Salem's stomach and pulled out her spine. The sound of her spine being snapped as it came through Salem's stomach caused one of the girls to throw up onto the floor.

Salem's body regenerated fairly quickly and she summoned a black sword, stabbed it into Ghidorah's stomach, and kicked her backward into the wall. Ghidorah coughed up blood and held her stomach.

Salem: You can do all this damage, but can't take a simple stab?

Ghidorah: C-Curse this human body!

Salem quickly started slashing Ghidorah's skin as the students watched. Well, 3 of them. Salem raised the sword to finish her off, but then a sword was stabbed into Salem's stomach which caused her to cough up blood.

The attacker was one of the students inside the dorm. The sword started glowing a bright blue until it blew up Salem's stomach. The Huntress then tackles her outside onto the courtyard of Beacon below.

The other three run over to Ghidorah to help her up.


Maria tears one of the minions in half.

Maria: They keep coming!

Autumn: That's because Y/N keeps tearing the flesh off the kaiju.

Blake: That thing that came out of Ironwood's stomach is killing more of these things than us.

They all look over to see the alien skillfully dispatching the minions while it gets closer to them.

The alien used its sharp tail to stab into the brains of the creatures. Its claws were used to slice off limbs and its inner mouth was used for close kills when one gets way too close. It was natural to it.

Weiss: We gotta get out of here! That alien can handle it!

Maria: What do we do once the battle ends?

Weiss: I-I don't know.....

Blake: *sarcastically* What! Weiss doesn't know!?

Weiss glares at Blake and quickly points in a direction.

Weiss: They are in this direction! We gotta fight through!

Maria: *sarcastically* Really? I thought we form a peace treaty with them.

Weiss: Ugh!

With that, they start fighting through the wave towards the Warehouse in the distance.

With MechaGodzilla and Shin Godzilla

Shin Godzilla was at a disadvantage the entire time. MechaGodzilla could read every move it attempted. It was like watching a harem anime. You know how it was gonna end.

Shin Godzilla attempted to use its laser beam, only for his mouth to be forcibly shut. The beam still came out despite this, it shot through the creature's teeth which caused unbearable pain for the creature. The teeth came back along with a few extras to keep it from happening again.

MechaGodzilla pelted the Godzilla with missiles without any sign of stopping.

Suddenly, lightning struck MechaGodzilla which caused it to stop its attacks. Shin Godzilla quickly wrapped its tail around Mechagodzilla's neck and started swinging them around until it was launched into the air.

It was, fortunately, able to gain control to fly back towards Shin Godzilla.

While this was happening, the rain started falling from the sky as if a tornado was gonna form.

MechaGodzilla landed and used its metal arms to block a purple laser. The laser was deflected which killed a few of its minions that we're heading towards the Beacon group below.

Shin Godzilla's body started glowing a bright purple as it could be seen from space. Everyone on the planet would notice this phenomenon.

To be continued......


Just felt random inspiration. It's a weird feeling.

Also, comment on a possible crossover because I already added Alien.

Don't worry, the allies are coming in. It's hard to give a valid reason for them to join ya know?

Like always, stay safe and Merry Christmas? I don't know if I will make a Christmas special. What do you guys think?

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