Chapter 10: Recovery and Questions

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Y/N: What's with the 20 daybreak?

20 day? You are obviously lying.

Y/N: *Eyes glow red* Wanna bet?

*Squeak* No!

Y/N: Ok then. Start the story.

W-Whatever you want! Just don't hurt me!


Maria is currently laying on a bed inside the nurse's office. Autumn is standing over her in worry.

Maria suddenly wakes up with a huge gasp.

Maria: W-Where am I?

Autumn: You are in the Nures's office. You were knocked out for a while.

Maria grabs her head in pain.

Maria: I can't remember what happened......

Autumn: Three people came and tried to kidnap Ruby and Yang. They were able to win due to their teamwork. At some point, some girl lit a flare gun and signaled for something..... Whoever shot you was strong enough to completely blow you to bits and you were left traumatized after your regeneration.

Maria: Only godly beings like Y/N would be able to traumatize me like that.

Autumn: Godly beings?

Maria: They are people who have no limit to their power.

Autumn: That would mean-

Maria: Yes, whoever shot me is on an equal stand with Y/N. Maybe even greater.

Autumn: I can't believe it...... Could it be Godzilla?

Maria: Godzilla? Who is that?

Autumn: Godzilla is the beast Y/N's actual form is based on.

Maria: You are telling me that giant robot is based on Godzilla?

Autumn: Basically.

Maria: Hmmm...... It seems I have not completely recovered.

Autumn: What? Didn't you completely heal though?

Maria: Whatever hit me left me with regeneration restrictions. Specifically in my brain. I don't remember how I met Y/N.

Autumn: Now that I think about it, you haven't called him boss ever since you woke up. Guess some of your memories were lost.

Maria: My brain needs to completely heal. So, I won't be able to fight for a while.

Autumn: Y/N will be back eventually. You should just wait.

Maria: Sounds good.

Autumn: I'll be back. I should probably report to Ozpin.

Autumn walks out.

Two people walk in straight after. These are the teammates of Ruby and Yang.

Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee.

Maria looks up at them in confusion.

Weiss: Mind telling me why TWO of our teammates are missing?

Maria: *sigh* *mutter* Today is gonna be a long day......


Once again, sorry for the short chapter!

I got so many ideas in my head that I have to sort them out on some paper.

The chapters are going to get more effort put into them as the story goes on.

Don't lose hope!

Oh yeah! I almost forgot.

How did we get more than 14k views on here! I almost had a heart attack when I saw it!

I thank you all for enjoying this! Until next time!

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