Chapter 6: Vale Visit and Familiar Face

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This song is 🔥

I'm so addicted!

Been making chapters every day!

Go ahead and thank me!


Y/N: *Yawn*

The trio is currently walking through vale just doing whatever.

As they are walking, someone bumps into Y/N causing them to fall.

???: Ow!

Y/N looks down to see Ruby Rose herself. Y/N sighs and holds out his hand.

Ruby looks up and grabs his hand. Once she gets up, she gets a better look at him.

Ruby: *Gasp* You're that......... Wait, why don't I feel any hate?

Y/N: My semblance causes hate. The best way to deal with that is to take it away.

Ruby: How is that possible?

Y/N: I caged my soul.

Y/N takes out a bottle with a red ball of energy sparkling.

Ruby: T-That is your soul?

Y/N: Yes. It has a large portion of my power so I don't accidentally destroy this city if I am forced to attack.

Ruby: What happens if someone steals it?

Y/N: It is incredibly dangerous for you to touch this soul. If you do, or if anyone does, their soul will be absorbed.

Ruby: T-That is pretty scary.

Y/N: I guess you could say that.

Ruby: W-Well who are those two behind you?

Y/N: That lizard one is Maria and the woman is Autumn Rose.

Maria: Who you calling lizard!

Ruby: R-Rose?

Y/N: Yes, she is your aunt and the sister of Summer Rose.

Autumn: Y/N!!

Y/N tilts his head.

Y/N: What?

Autumn: That was supposed to be a secret!

Y/N: I see......

Ruby: I have an Aunt on mom's side?

Y/N: Seems like it.

Ruby runs over and hugs Autumn. While they are having a reunion, Y/N, and Maria are standing off to the side.

After a few moments, Ruby lets go of her aunt and looks at Y/N in confusion.

Ruby: Wait...... You said you needed to trap your soul so you don't destroy this city!?

Y/N: Precisely.

Ruby: You must be crazy strong.

Y/N: I guess.

Ruby: Anyways, how did you survive from getting eaten by that creature?

Y/N: It spit me out in front of Autumn.

Ruby: Wh-

Autumn: You know what? Let's just drop this and go eat cookies!

Ruby: Cookies!? Really!?

Autumn giggles in amusement.

Autumn: Yes, cookies.

Ruby: I have so much to tell you!

Autumn: I can tell.

They all start walking in the same direction to a local cookie shop.


Another chapter dropped! Well, I gotta rest my fingers!


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