The Last Chapter

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Hey there... Let us finish this off yeah?


Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald are currently locked in combat with Ironmorph.

Mercury went for a kick but Ironmorph caught it. Before he could react, the xenomorph's tail stabbed through his stomach. Blood spurted from his mouth as Ironmorph threw his body to the side.

Emerald: "Mercury!"

Cinder was already sprinting at Ironmorph with fire surrounding both of her fists. When she reached Ironmorph, the two became locked in close combat. Punches, kicks, scratches, bites, and tail swipes were exchanged between the two. Emerald attempted to use her semblance but was met with a sharp pain in her head.

She fell to her knees in pain as Cinder began being pushed back from iron-morphs attacks.

Autumn and the woman were currently locked in combat as well. Despite everything, Autumn still had an advantage.

Autumn ducked under a punch and sliced the woman's arm off. The woman screamed in pain and jumped back while holding her bleeding stump.

Woman: Bastard!

Autumn: Just dodge!

Woman: You will pay!

The woman's arm was replaced by a snake and she charged again. Autumn dodged a punch but the snake wrapped around her leg and attempted to bite her.

Autumn could do nothing but watch as the snake bit her leg. Autumn raised her sword and stabbed the woman in her head.

Autumn: Hopefully that wasn't poison or something

She stood up and sighed.

Autumn: That battle was pretty short

She quickly ran to meet up with everyone else.

She eventually is outside to see everyone else.

Autumn: Everyone ok?

Maria: Yeah, we're alright

Ruby: How are we gonna stop this?

Autumn: There isn't much of a way to stop this... I don't have the knowledge. This device- *She took out the tablet that said the words 'Multiverse Invasion'* -was given to me by a mysterious old man.

Weiss: Damn... Is our world just gonna die?

Blake looked at Yang over her shoulder and sighed.

Blake: It's been an honor...

The group looked at the ground sadly. That was until footsteps are heard approaching them. They looked in that direction to see a short old man with a lab coat.

Old Man: I could help solve this

Autumn: Who are you?

Old Man: I'm but an old man who wants to save Remnant. Follow me...

He began walking away.

Maria: Should we follow?

A bright light filled the sky and everyone looks up to see a blue portal open. A large snake-like dragon came out of the portal. The creature roared and began causing havoc to the already destroyed area.

Autumn: Let's follow him...

They all followed after him. The old man began running toward a lit place rock. He pressed his palm against it and a door opened from within. He turned and beckoned them to follow.

Annihilation.......... (Mecha Godzilla reader X RWBY) {COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now