Chapter 8: Fear

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And we're back! Sorry for the wait guys! I was kinda stuck on who to add hehehe.......


Mechagodzilla is currently running through the forest. Well, he is taller than the entire forest so I guess above the forest?

Anyways, there is a problem. The problem is that he lost all contact with his Warbat. It was supposed to come back but its signal disappeared. It was a young and naive Warbat too. He couldn't say no when he wanted to scout.

Puppy eyes are extremely dangerous.

Mechagodzilla hears a cry for help. This cry sounds exactly like the Warbat he is looking for. He growls and quickly runs towards the cry.

Meanwhile at Beacon

We see 3 people on the roof of Beacon in all black.

???: All right everyone, you know the plan?

???2: Yep
???3: Obviously

???: Why the sarcasm red?

???3 or Red: Because Y/N isn't here.

???: I know you have a crush on him but we gotta move with the plan. He is too strong for us.

Red: My love for him is stronger~

???2: Uhmmm, Shadow?

??? Or Shadow: What is it?

???2: What was the plan again?

Shadow: We went over this Xeno.

Xeno: I know, it's just I forgot.

Shadow: The plan was to kidnap Ruby Rose.

Xeno: Can we kidnap the blonde too?

Shadow: I guess..... She does look strong, a little mind control can make her a good ally.

Red: Can we kidnap-

Shadow: No, we can't kidnap Y/N!

Red: Awwwwww.........

(Yes, Red is a girl)

Xeno: Can we get on with this mission?

They turn and start to climb down ropes to RWBY's dorm window.

Shadow was the first to get through followed by the others. He walks over to Ruby's bed and sees her sleeping on the top. He looks down at Weiss who is at the bottom.

(Unless Weiss isn't there.)

He climbs up and takes out a needle.

Ruby opens an eye in confusion.

Ruby: W-Who are-

He sticks the needle into her arm causing her to be knocked out. He picks her up bridal style and jumps through the window. Xeno does the same to Yang and jumps through the window too.

Red just rolls her eyes and jumps out.

Xeno: You think the Faunus heard us?

Shadow: No.

Xeno: Ok.

???: Hey!

All three of them turn to see Maria and Autumn standing there.

Maria: Give them back!

Red smirks.

Red: You whores were with my Y/N! You deserve death!

Blades come from her hands and she moves forward with extreme speed. Maria blocks her attack causing a small shockwave.

Maria: You're strong, but you are nothing compared to Y/N!

Maria kicks her back and starts throwing punches. Red dodges them all quickly and cuts off one of Maria's arms.

Maria doesn't flinch and uses her leg to kick. Red dodges that too.

Red: Oh? You seem calm for losing your arm.

Maria's arm grows back.

Maria: What arm?

Red: That's pretty cool, not gonna lie. It won't save you though.

Autumn decided to engage with Shadow.

Shadow throws Ruby to Xeno who barely catches her.

Shadow takes out his knives clashing with Autumn's charge. Shadow jumps back and throws his knives at her. She slashes them out of the air only to get shot in her hand.

She looks at her hand to see blood come out.

Autumn: Seems your weapons can cut through aura too huh?

Shadow: Yep

Shadow gets on his knees and closes his eyes. Autumn looks in confusion. She takes out her pistol and shoots at him. The bullet stops and shoots back at her.

Autumn slashes it and runs forward. Her instincts tell her something is trying to grab her but she doesn't see anything.

Autumn: 'Must be invisible hands then'

Shadow opens his eyes and sees her dodging them.

Shadow: Tch 'If only I could go full power' Red! Do it!

Red looks over at him and smiles. She takes out a flare gun and shoots it into the air.

Maria looks in confusion.

Maria: Calling for reinforcements? How pathe-

She gets cut off by a purple beam of light shooting her in her stomach. Her entire body explodes into a bloody mess straight after.

Autumn is standing there in shock.

Autumn: Ma-

Shadow took the chance to roundhouse kick her into a tree.

Shadow: Let's go guys.

The trio runs off with their captives.

Maria's body reforms but there is something wrong. She looks scared.

(Something like this)

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(Something like this)

Autumn notice this immediately.

Autumn: M-Maria? Are you ok?

No answer.

Autumn stands up and picks up Maria.

While she was running, Maria was muttering all types of stuff. Autumn is confused. Maria has been blown to pieces before, why did this one scare her?



Now we are done with that!

This took me a while! Hopefully, I don't have many mistakes in this chapter.

As always, stay safe!

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