Chapter 12: Intel Found

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We see Ozpin watching something on his scroll while drinking coffee.

He seems to be watching someone sitting down on a boat while fishing. It's oddly calming. Suddenly, a huge explosion occurs in the ocean causing the man's boat to sway from the shockwave.

The fisherman puts a hand on his hat to prevent it from flying off his head.

Fisherman: What the hell.......

Someone behind the camera decides to speak. The person behind the camera is the fisherman's son. His name is Kyle.

Kyle: Dad? What just happened?

Fisherman: I don't know son, but what I do know is that we should get out of here.

Kyle: But dad! Think about it! If we see what is happening, the views we will get would be insane!

Fisherman: I value my life more than views son.

Kyle: Could we at least get a little closer?

Fisherman: No. Now turn on the engine and drives us back to shore.

Kyle drops the camera and runs towards the engine. Suddenly, the boat's engine roars to life as it drives towards the fight.

Fisherman: What the hell are you doing!?

Kyle: I'm getting us views!

Another explosion occurs causing a big wave to wash over their boat. It's a miracle they were able to stay on board.

The camera is picked up and is zoomed towards the source of the explosion. It shows Mechagodzilla and Bismark fighting.

Kyle: *gasp* It's the robot that destroyed Atlas! It's fighting a ship........?

Ozpin squint's his eyes and recognized the ship instantly.

Ozpin: Impossible...........

All Ozpin could do is watch the battle from the camera. The views are counting up to the millions already.

With Mechagodzilla

He is currently flying in the air while being shot at by the battleship. He has been fighting for a good 10 minutes and the bullhead carrying the Warbat is escaping. That is when he comes up with an idea.

He drops into the water and gets under the SCP. The tentacles instantly went for his body to stop his descent.

Missles shoot from his shoulder and they blow the tentacles to pieces. Once he is under the ship, he slowly pushes the ship upwards with the help of his thrusters.

Then he flies into the sky with the ship!

Everyone watching is completely in shock. Once he is high enough, he hurls Bismark like a spear towards the escaping Bullhead. This needed a lot of calculation to do.

The Warbats see this and move out of the way while at the same time stopping their charge.

Bismarck starts screeching causing the Warbats to wince from the demonic sound.

Inside the bullhead

Mason, Bert, and Sky are all sitting thinking they won.

Mason: Geez. All that for this ugly thing?

The teenage Warbat just glares at him.

Bert: It seems like its parents have stopped looking for it.

Sky: Parents just don't "Stop looking for their child". Well, most parents do that but that's beside the point. The point is, the parents must have a plan considering how intelligent they are.

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