Short #4: Random Store Shenanigans

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Y/N is seen walking into a store.

The worker at the desk spots him.

Davey: Hi! Welcome to Store Store, how can I help you?

Y/N: I would like to see if you have the "Banana Pudding Stomper 3000's" on sale.

Davey: Oh, we out bro. You can get the "Tiptoe through your window 9's" tho.

Y/N: I'll have those... Where can I find them?

Davey: They in the back.

Y/N nodded and he started to walk towards the back. As he walked, he heard noises coming from a random aisle. Y/N peeked around the corner and saw a old man break dancing.

Old Man: This song is rad dude!

Y/N raised an eyebrow and continued his journey to the back. He looked up and saw a black creature crawling along the ceilings. No one seemed to mind the abomination.

Before Y/N could keep walking, a hole slowly formed infront of him and teeth formed around the edges.

Hole: FeEd Me

A random worker walked past Y/N and dropped a shopping cart into its mouth. The sound of metal and plastic being crunched up was heard. The hole slowly disappeared as Y/N looked on with a bewildered expression.

The worker yawned and walked away. Y/N decided to do the same.

Random High-school kid: My dream is to be the Harem King!

Random Redheaded girl: Let's not scream that in a store.

Davey: Hey! Why are you two here again!? Scram!

The assumed couple ran away once they saw him. Davey turned to Y/N.

Davey: Oh, hey protagonist. Did you get the shoes?

Y/N: What is this store?

Davey: Huh? What do you mean? It's a regular store.

A roar was heard through the complex.

Davey: Semi-normal.

A 6 headed man walked past them with a wave.

Davey: Uhhh...

Y/N just shook his head.

???: Hey Y/N!

Y/N and Davey turned to see Maria running towards them.

Maria: Oh, hey Davey!

Y/N: You know him?

Maria: Who doesn't know him? He's the one who-

Davey put his hand over her mouth.

Davey: -is a good friend!

Y/N: Ok......

Maria takes his hand off her mouth.

Maria: Anyways, why did you come here boss?

Y/N: Autumn wanted new shoes...

Maria: Oh, that's cool!

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Maria: I was bored and decided to visit my favorite store!

Y/N: Uh-huh

Maria looked up.

Maria: Woah! That thing looks awesome!

Y/N and Davey also look up to see a pile of flesh looking down at them.

Davey: Cool huh? I need bleach...

Y/N: Agreed

The pile of flesh screeched and started to climb around the ceiling causing blood to fall onto the ground.

Davey: I just wiped the floors too!

Y/N: On second thought, I'm just gonna go.

Y/N walks towards the front doors but they are suddenly surrounded by random symbols.

Y/N: Huh?

Davey: A witch cast a spell in here

Y/N: You gotta be kidding me

Davey: I wish I was

Witch: HAHHHAHAAHAAHHAHAAHAHA! Your souls are mine!

A giant green hand was created and she quickly attempted to smash the trio.

Davey: Green Lantern?

Y/N created a sniper and 360 no scoped her forehead. Her magic disappeared as she fell to the floor. The giant mass of flesh fell onto her body and seemingly absorbed her body.

Davey: What the hell..... I'm just gonna stay an Author...

Y/N opened the front doors and walked away. Maria skipped after him. Davey looked at the readers.

Davey: Welp, I hope you guys enjoyed this short. It was kinda weird honestly. Also, you didn't see any of this alright?

 Also, you didn't see any of this alright?

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