Chapter 13: Battle seen around the world!!!! Part 1

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My grammar is trash ngl.

Also, thx for the views friendos. It's appreciated.

It's only been one month. It's not that bad.

Ozpin is having a mental Crisis. All of this news has his brain turning.

First things first, Autumn Rose is suddenly captured by Ironwood from some random abandoned base. He also borrowed HIS students from him secretly without permission.

Ozpin was shocked that Autumn was still alive and he tried to bail her out but Ironwood refused. This went on for a year or two.

When Ozpin decided to give up, something attacks Atlas. He thought Salem attacked atlas but he was quickly proven wrong. From what he saw on the news, a giant robot that looks like a lizard on two legs and its giant lizard minions decided to commence an attack/rescue mission. Rescue mission because they saved Autumn Rose from her cell.

During the battle, Winter Schnee and Ironwood also went missing. Ozpin wasn't sure what to think anymore.

After the attack, the world got quiet again. It was peaceful until Autumn Rose and some random girl with regenerative abilities appears at his school seeking shelter.

Ozpin, of course, allows them to stay for the time being. He finally thought the world had calmed down.

Then two students from RWBY's team were kidnapped and Maria was traumatized by something.

Then, a fishing video he was watching was interrupted by the giant robotic lizard in a fight with Bismark.....


Ozpin has seen what Bismark can do. It's even worse because of how hidden Bismark has been until now.

Now, two kids are fighting like literal monsters near his school. He isn't even surprised at this point.

With the Fight

The two are pretty matched. Considering how their punches are causing earthquakes, anyone could guess that.

Shinji: Damn, you are tough.

Y/N's eyes glow red and lasers shot out of them. Shinji raises his arms while blocking it. The attack left Shinji's arms steaming.

Shinji's left arm glows a dark purple as Y/N's right arm glows a dark red. They both dash at each other and their fists collide.

The outcome was catastrophic to the environment around them. The shockwave was so powerful, that everything within the forest evaporated. Yeah, it really evaporated.

It was basically a wasteland afterward. Surprisingly, everything in the forest was unharmed, even the Grim.

Looking at the title of this chapter, everyone is watching this fight. I mean EVERYONE.....

Let's visit these parties.


The students are all crowding around the TVs inside different parts of the school. Some were watching on their scrolls.

Random Student 1-5= RS

RS1: Wow! A kid vs another kid! I love watching kids fight to the death!

A few students look over at him in confusion.

RS2: Like Anime?

RS1: Uhhhh obviously not. I honestly want to beat a kid right now.

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