Chapter 18: How Did It Get Here!?

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got bored so me want to make new chapter.

Also, what is Obama's last name again?

Shin Godzilla is currently shining like a Christmas light and everyone is just looking at him with widened eyes. They had to turn away however once it got too bright.

Maria looks at this with her eyes smoking.

Maria: Woah!

Weiss: Hey! Your eyes!

Maria: Eh? What about them?

Weiss: They're burning!

Maria: *shrugs* Probably the effects...

Weiss: Wh-

A hand was placed on Weiss's shoulder, which caused her to turn to Blake who was shaking her head.

Blake: Don't even try it. Just accept things as they happen.

Autumn: Hmm...

Autumn's pocket started vibrating. She takes out some sort of tablet and she looks at the screen. What was displayed on the screen caused her face to pale.


Blake looks over Autumn's shoulder to see the screen.

Blake: Dimensional breach? Like a different world?

Autumn calms herself down enough to explain.

Autumn: This means someone in this world opened our dimension to be accessible by other dimensions.

Maria: Uhhh...

Autumn: Creatures from different worlds will come to ours.

Weiss: What!? How do you know that!?

Autumn: Think about it. That creature that came out of Ironwood is not native to this planet at all. It looks alien.

Weiss: Which means-

Blake: -Creatures that do not belong here will come!?

Maria: That's what Autumn just said.

Weiss & Blake: Shut up!

Maria: Damn, okay

Autumn: That means we need to save your teammates now!

Everyone else: Right!

With Mechagodzilla and Shin Godzilla

The brightness of Shin Godzilla didn't faze its metal counterpart.

MechaGodzilla grabbed a tree and ran towards Shin Godzilla. By the time it got close enough, Shin Godzilla released a purple shock wave that completely decimated the ground below. The wave launched MechaGodzilla backward into a nearby mountain.

Before MechaGodzilla could charge again, something crashed from the other side of the mountain which caused MechaGodzilla to stumble forward. It turned around, only to get hit with a giant blue laser of power.

MechaGodzilla was able to deflect it , however. The mountain collapsed on itself, showing what was behind it. The creature behind it shocked Shin and Mecha Godzilla.

It was Godzilla.....

It let out its signature roar which caused the big three-way battle between Kaiju

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It let out its signature roar which caused the big three-way battle between Kaiju.

With team BAWM

They finally made it to the warehouse.

Weiss was the only one out of breath.

Weiss: *pant* We finally *pant* made it...

Blake: Uh, are you ok Weiss?

Weiss: Do *pant* I *pant* look ok!

Blake raised her hands in surrender.

Maria kicked the front door down which revealed multiple soldiers holding guns.

Soldier 1: Hey! You are not allowed here!

The rest of the soldiers hold their guns out and they open fire.

Maria creates a shield with her arm.

Maria: These guys are fodder! Leave them to me!

The girl's nod and run off.

Maria releases her skin shield and cracks her fingers.

Maria: Who wants a crack at me!

The rest of the team are running down the hallways looking in every direction.

The sound of someone screaming in pain is heard.

Blake: That's Yang!

Blake quickly sprinted towards the sound without warning.

Weiss: Hey! Wait up!

Before Weiss and Autumn could run after her a woman falls from the ceiling with a dangerous gaze.

Woman: You two aren't going anywhere.

Autumn shoots a gun at the Woman which forces her to dodge.

Autumn: Weiss, go find Ruby! She mine!

Weiss quickly runs down a random hall. The Woman stands up with a smirk.

Woman: Big mistake little girl. I'll enjoy breaking you!

Their battle has started.


Sorry about the kinda short chapter.

I was rushing.

Tell me if there were any mistakes.

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