Chapter 4: Regular Day and New Ally

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Wow! 1k views and I only got less than 10 parts out! This story is about to get bigger! I'm telling you!

Anyways, on with the story.

Do you guys like the new cover? I kinda worked hard on it.


We see a group of Warbats patrolling the air looking for any threats.

Ever since the attack on Atlas, Mechagodzilla and his army had to go into hiding away from all contact with humans.

The best way to do that is to make a base underwater. The question is, where? They also need to move Mechagodzilla and all of his technology there too. Their best bet is to travel underground.

It might sound easy, but it is quite hard. The amount of noise they will make will alert humans that go mining underground. The footsteps are enough to know something big is down here.

So Y/N decided to switch it up. He decided to make a teleporter so he can teleport his troops to the new base. The thing is, he needs to make the base.

Y/N sighs at his workstation and gets ready to do something risky. He takes out a watch and sets it on the table. After a minute or two, the watch grows robotic legs and it crawls over to Y/N's wrist. Once it makes contact, it wraps its self around his wrist automatically.

Y/N shows a small smile.

The watch was built off of Mechagodzilla's intelligence and armor. The unique thing about the watch is he can make anything he wants just by thinking about it. Pretty cool right?

Y/N holds out his hand and an M4 appears in his hands. The M4 then turns into a silver sword. Then he creates a hammer, a cage, chainsaw, flamethrower, ice thrower, and more. Yes, ice thrower is now a thing. It's like a flamethrower but it freezes everything it touches.

Y/N stands up from his workstation and starts to make his way to the main door. As he walks down the halls, he passes an Alpha Skullcrawler and an Alpha Warbat. Alpha Skullcrawlers and Alpha Warbats are incredibly strong. They are close to the strength of 100,000 hunters. They are typically OP. That doesn't mean they can't die though.

Y/N eventually makes it to huge metal doors that look impossible to move. Y/N walks over to the side and puts his hand on an identification scan. The doors slowly open enough Y/N can slip through.

Once Y/N walks out, the door closes behind him. Y/N looks around at the peaceful forest with the sounds of chirping and other nature sounds.

Y/N likes this silence. He looks in his pocket to see a big number of Lien in his pocket.

As Y/N walks he sees a body laying on the ground. Y/N gets closer to see their rib cage was completely pulled out. Their organs seemed to have been stolen or eaten. Y/N looks up to see someone impaled on a branch.

Y/N hears a scream and he starts to jog in their direction. Once he gets there, he sees a figure ripping into someone's stomach. It turns around showing a woman covered in green. Her body is well developed which would make any man go crazy. Her body has a few bones sticking to her skin.

A tail comes from her backside like an alligator. Pretty reptilian.

???: Another human? You look different.....

She burst forward towards Y/N with insane speed. Y/N jumps to the side dodging her.

???: Interesting, you must be a hunter! Hunters taste better.

Annihilation.......... (Mecha Godzilla reader X RWBY) {COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now