Chapter 16: Grimm Queen and The Great Battle For Beacon

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Ironwood is currently limping towards a nearby cave after barely escaping from getting crushed by Mechagodzilla.

It suddenly starts to rain as he slips into the dark abyss. He takes out a flashlight and shakes it around to make it turn on.

Once it's on, he shines it down the cave to see nothing. Ironwood slowly walks down the cave as he looks around just in case any Grimm is here with him.

He also takes out his secret immortal pistol called "Secret immortal Pistol that can kill immortal beings".

Yeah, he didn't have a lot of imagination when he had it made. Now that he thinks about it, the gun appeared at his front door out of nowhere. Like it was from another world.

After a bit of walking, while staying away from random rodents, he sees something in the distance of the cave.

He slowly moves forward and sees some type of egg in front of him.

He slowly moves forward and sees some type of egg in front of him

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Ironwood: What the......

He slowly touches its scaly and rough-like surface.

Ironwood: Seems like a type of iron. Might send a team out here to harvest this.

His loud monologuing seemed to have awoken whatever was inside it as the top slowly opened up as a flower would.

Ironwood takes a few steps back in shock.

His shock was replaced with fear as something flies out and attached to his face.

(I'm pretty sure you guys know what it is. If you don't, here's a picture of it.)

(Keeping this pic family-friendly

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(Keeping this pic family-friendly. But who would walk around with this casually? Good pranking material though)

Ironwood falls backward as he attempts to peel it off his face. His attempts were proved futile as he slowly passes out on the cold cave floor.

2 hours later

When he awoke, he felt like he had a bad dream or something. He looked to his side to see the dead creature upside down.

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