Chapter 19: Saving the Two Sisters and More Chaos

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Another chap!

Sorry about the lack of an update. I was doing a bunch of school stuff.

Where am I even taking this story? It's crazy but I gotta continue. I hope you guys actually like this story.

So many crossovers.

Also, we are nearing the ending of this story and I don't even have half the allies in here. So I will add them to the sequel.

Weiss is seen running down the halls until she comes up to a door that says "Captured Subjects".

Weiss opens the door and walks in. She walks down the corridor with all types of cages lined up. Each cage had Grimm, insects, and even faunus! Weiss was kinda creeped out but she steeled her nerves.

Weiss: 'Ruby is probably here!'

A door was at the end of the incredibly long hallway and she made her way to it. As she walked towards the door, a faunus noticed her.

Faunus: Hey you! Let me out! Please! I have a family waiting for me!

Faunus that we're in nearby cages also decided to plea for her help. Weiss was overwhelmed.

Weiss: D-Don't worry! I'll come back!

She quickly ran towards the door and opened it.

Faunus: Hey! Wai-

The door was shut cutting the voice off. Weiss let out a sigh of relief and looked at the room in front of her. There were fewer cages due to them being suspended in the air. The creatures inside them were abnormally large. These things didn't even look like they belonged on Remnant. Kinda like aliens.

Weiss moved past the sleeping creatures slowly. She did not know how good their hearing was, but she didn't want to risk it. However, one of them awoke shortly after the door was shut.

Weiss quickly crouched behind a counter as it looked around in its cage.

One word to describe this creature would be "teeth". It is constantly drooling giving us a good look at its mouth. It had no eyes and its neck was incredibly long. Longer than a Giraffe's.

The creature looked around a bit and sniffed the air. Weiss peeked over the counter and saw it looking at her. However, the creature made no reaction to her.

Weiss: 'It must rely on sound!'

Weiss decided to take off the heals she was currently wearing and move around barefoot. She held them up with one hand and slowly crept her way past knocked-over bottles and glass shards.

She saw a trapdoor directly under the creature's cage. She moved directly under the cage and slowly but surely opened the trapdoor. Once it was fully open, it made an incredibly loud noise.

Hearing the creature above her growl, Weiss crawled down the ladder as fast as she could. The sound of metal breaking was heard and she saw the head of the creature moving towards her down the ladder. The creature let out a loud screech which caused Weiss to clench her teeth in pain.

The creature was moving faster than Weiss, so she had to slow it down somehow. She held out her hand upwards and released ice shards towards the creature's face. The Shards stuck into its skin which caused it to screech in pain and slow down.

Weiss eventually reached the end and ran down the tunnels until she came across a man who was walking. This man was Zeno.

Zeno: Hey! What are you d-

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