Chapter 7: A New Enemy and Potential Ally?

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Before we start this chapter, let me tell you that Y/N does not know who Salem is. All he knows that there are bigger and powerful groups on the Remnant. He doesn't know who they are.

Anyways, on with the chapter.


Y/N, Maria, Autumn, and Ruby are currently walking around Vale.

As they are talking, Y/N hears a sound a distance away.

Y/N: I'll be back.

The three girls look at him.

Autumn: What do you mean?

Y/N: You guys just keep having fun. I need to check something out ok?

Maria: Ok then....... Hurry back.

Y/N nods and runs off.

He eventually stops in an alleyway.

Y/N: I know you are there.

A crazed laugh is heard through the alley.

???: That obvious huh?

A man suddenly appears behind Y/N with a crazed smile.

Y/N: What do you want human?

???: All I need is your soul!

The man opens his mouth and a long tongue shoots out towards Y/N.

Y/N catches the tongue with his hand. A sword appears in his other hand and he slices it off. The crazy man screams and laughs in pain.

???: *Laughs madly* Yes! Mistress told me about you! She said you were powerful! *Licks lips* Seems she wasn't wrong!

Y/N: Your tongue grew back?

???:: *Laugh* Of course! Losing a tongue is not that bad!

Y/N: I guess you eat souls?

???: Yes! Yes! Your soul looks so delicious! I simply can't help myself!

Y/N scoffs and dashes forward with his sword raised. Once his sword makes contact it bounces off.

Y/N: Hm?

???: Have you noticed yet?

Y/N: Noticed what?

???: People without souls can't hurt me!

Y/N: That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I'm the only one who can take souls. You make no sense.

??!: My mistress has traveled enough worlds to know the human race can do remarkable things. Bad or good.

Y/N sighs.

Y/N: All I need is a soul?

???: Obviously.

Y/N: Very well, my body has been cold enough.

Y/N takes out the bottle with his soul inside of it. He opens the top and pushes his soul inside of his body. The surrounding area explodes with red energy.

Everyone around the world would think it was an earthquake. Everyone in the town, however.....

Once the exploding energy ends, Y/N sees a big red stain on the ground.

Y/N: Seems he couldn't survive the transfer.

Y/N hears running and sees the three girls running over.

Autumn: Y/N! What happened!?

Y/N: Dealt with a nuisance. That is all.

Maria: I'm pretty sure you alerted every single living being of your presence.

Y/N: That's good.

Ruby: wowthatwassocool! canyouteachmehowtodothat! whatkindofweapinisthatandcanholdit!?

Y/N: No.

Ruby: Awwwwww

Y/N turns to Maria and Autumn.

Y/N: You two stay here with Ruby for a little longer.

Maria: But why?

Y/N: A Warbat has had a close encounter with something big........ I must go and investigate.

Autumn: Fine. We will stay at Beacon for the time being.

Maria: Me? Stay at Beacon? Full of humans? Count me out.

Autumn: Sorry Maria, but we must do that if we don't want to be suspicious in society.

Maria: Ugh, fine.

Autumn: That was easier than I thought.

Maria: I'm doing this for the captain. Not you.

Autumn: Yea yea. Ruby, lead us to Ozpin's office.

Ruby: Yes Aunty!

They begin their walk to Beacon. Y/N turns around and stabs his sword into the ground. A red portal opens up allowing Y/N to walk through it.

He arrived at the base seeing Skullcrawlers crowding Mechagodzilla. Y/N walks past the troops and climbs into Mechagodzilla's head. Wires shootout and connect to Y/N's skin. This causes him to become one with the robot for now.

 This causes him to become one with the robot for now

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I wonder who the next ally will be? You guys probably already guessed it though but it's nice to be clueless!

Davey out!

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