Chapter 2: Atlas attack

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I'm just so into this story, I can't stop writing!

I also appreciate you guys voting on this story. It makes me want to write even more!


2 Year's Later

A man seems to be fishing at a large lake. He yawns as he takes a bite out of an apple.

Suddenly, the lake starts trembling to allow a clawed leg to pop out of the water. Another clawed leg pops out as a face slowly comes out. This creature is a Skullcrawler.

The man looks in complete shock and fear.

The Skullcrawler yawns and starts to walk off ignoring the man.

Man: 'What the hell is that!?'

Three more Skullcrawlers come out, but they seem smaller than the other one. They also yawn and follow the bigger one.

Man: 'A family then?'

The man packs up all of his stuff to follow these strange creatures.

He eventually gets to a clearing where all four Skullcrawlers seem to be waiting for something.

An even bigger Skullcrawler comes out of the ground. Its back is a color of yellow while the others are the color of orange and red.

The man couldn't even be more shocked.

Man: 'I need to get back to the house! I'll come back to study their behaviors later!'

The man turns around and stealthily gets away not knowing the yellow Skullcrawler was watching him the entire time.

With Y/N

Ever since Y/N and Kevin's souls combined, his intelligence has grown by 80%. Might as well be the smartest being on the planet. He has also added more weaponry to Mechagodzilla. Defensive and offensive.

This would include an energy shield that can take on an entire meteor. That doesn't mean he tested it. It's just speculation. He upgraded the missiles to be as strong as Godzilla's heat blast. It's incredibly devastating but hard to make.

He also made thrusters for the feet so they can fly. He added missiles for the toes just in case every other system somehow stops operating.

The head of Mechagodzilla has also gotten a few upgrades. The mouth now has more teeth. The atomic beam is much more devastating than it was before. If he misses the shot, the radiation is strong enough to burn the insides of any creature no matter how evolved they are.

His army has grown quite a lot. He has discovered stronger subspecies of the Warbats and Skullcrawlers. They have fewer weaknesses and are much stronger physically. They also have unique abilities that can turn the tides of battle.

Y/N has decided to weaponize his army just in case someone has a semblance like the one that killed all of the Skullcrawlers last time. Their armor is strong enough to withstand his Godzilla heat blast missiles.

Now he is ready to attack Atlas and steal back what is his.

Mechagodzilla's eyes glow an evil red as his army waits for his command.


His army roars.

Mechagodzilla turns and starts to run in the direction of Atlas with his army following close behind.

At Atlas

Autumn Rose is currently inside a cell sleeping. She hears multiple sets of footsteps running past her cell.

Autumn: What is happening?

Suddenly, the building shakes from something crashing into the walls. She hears a roar and gunshots.

Everything goes quiet after a few minutes. A Skullcrawler runs past her cell.

The wall in her cell gets destroyed showing a Warbat with electricity surrounding it. It roars signaling her to hop on. Autumn jumps onto its back as it flies from the building.

Her eyes widen in shock and surprise from seeing Mechagodzilla destroying building after building with its signature beam.

The Warbat roars at Mechagodzilla. Mecha Godzilla stops his beam and looks at Autumn on its back. He nods and continues his attack.

They eventually get to a safe distance and watch as many other Warbats and Skullcrawlers kill everyone attempting to fight. The smaller Skullcrawlers look for the people hiding and running.

Suddenly, the ground opens up as a giant robot is seen coming out. This robot is being controlled by Ironwood and Winter Schnee (Did I spell that right?)

Mecha Godzilla turns to see them.

The giant robot starts running forward and Mechagodzilla runs as well

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The giant robot starts running forward and Mechagodzilla runs as well.

The giant robot starts running forward and Mechagodzilla runs as well

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The biggest battle on remnant begins now

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The biggest battle on remnant begins now.


This took me a while but it was worth it. I hope you guys like this chapter.

I also have to say, I have no idea what the atlas looks like. I saw a photo of it floating. Does it float?

The next chapter is about to get lit!

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