Chapter 1: The possession

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Holy cow. This story has gotten more than 100 views already!? I'm shocked. You guys must like Male reader stories huh?

Anyways, this is the turning point in this story.

I forgot to tell you Y/N was 6 when his village was overrun by grim.


It has been 4 years since Y/N started to live with the woman. She explained that his semblance was the reason why everyone hates him. She also said her semblance counters all semblances. Which means she will not feel instant hate when she sees him.

Y/N could only hug her with tears spilling down his face. The woman only patted his head with a content smile.


The woman, or mom, said that she wants to tell me something today after breakfast.

I ask what it was and she said it was a secret.

After breakfast, I brushed my teeth and started to walk to her office. The place we live at is some type of futuristic facility. It's so weird how this place is underground.

I eventually get to the front of her door. The camera on the side looks at me and then the door opens. I walk in to see my mom sitting down on a chair.

Mom: Ah, Y/N. Before we begin, I should tell you my name.

That's right....... I never knew mom's name.....

Mom: My name is Autumn Rose, the older sister of Summer Rose. I'm the aunt of Ruby Rose which is the huntress that saved you.

Y/N: Wow!

Mom: Now follow me Y/N.

I follow her to an elevator and she presses the bottom button.

As we get lower and lower, the air gets really cold.

The ceiling opens up as jackets are dropped onto us. We both put them on.

Mom: Now Y/N, I am going to show you something that could change the world.

The elevator doors open and we walk out. We walk down a dark hallway and then we enter a big area.

Mom snaps her fingers as the area lights up. I see a giant robot standing with many wires connecting it.

Mom: This is Mechagodzilla. This robot was made in another world.

Y/N: Another world?!

Mom: It was man-made to defeat the titan Godzilla, the King of the Monsters. Enough about that, you will be able to take control of this beast.

Suddenly, a loud bang is heard causing don't to fall from the ceiling.

Mom: Tch, we are running out of time. You will make contact with the soul inside of it.

Y/N: What do you mean running out of time? A soul inside of that?

Mom: We are running out of time!

A giant robot hand comes from the ceiling and picks me up by the hood. It brings me to the robot and throws me into its head.

Mom: Y/N! Put the tube on top of your head!

I look to see a helmet sitting beside me. The space I am in has a lot of room. I put the helmet on causing everything to go black.

???: So you are my host. You are an odd human.

Y/N: W-Who are you?

???: My name has long since been forgotten. But call me Kevin.

Y/N: A-Are you the soul?

Kevin: Correct. I and you will combine into one being.

Y/N: R-Really?

Kevin: Yes.....

Y/N: Did you have a family?

Kevin: Yes..... I am the youngest of three brothers........

Y/N: What were they like?

Kevin: The oldest of us and the most serious was Ichi. He was the commander of us. The other head is Ni. He is easily angered and he fights first and then asks questions later. Together, we destroy planets.

Y/N: D-Destroy Planets!?

Kevin: Yes.

Y/N: W-Wow!

Kevin: It seems the soul combining process is almost finished. This will be the last time we will ever speak. If I could live longer, me and you could have been friends.

Third Person POV

Autumn is currently standing with a few Skullcrawler next to her. The door explodes as multiply hunters run in. Autumn takes out her sword weapon and charges with the Skullcrawlers.

She dodges a strike and stabs a student into their chest killing them. She ducks under a gunshot and takes out her pistol and shoots them in their stomach.

Random Hunter: Her weapon is cutting through our Aura!

That hunter charge only to get stomped by a Skullcrawler. The Skullcrawlers are laying waste to the hunters. A huntress charges at a Skullcrawler, only to get eaten by another one that was behind her.

A student runs into the middle of the area and explodes. The explosion radius was incredible. It killed all of the Skullcrawlers and a good portion of the students. Autumn was thrown back into a wall.

She coughed up blood.

Autumn: Y/N.......

Autumn grunts as she stands up. She walks towards the giant robot only to get shot in her leg. She screams as she falls to the ground. She turns to see Ironwood standing before her with his weapon smoking.

Autumn: Tch, Ironwood.

Ironwood smirks and aims his pistol at her face. She closes her eyes calmly.

Autumn: 'I'm sorry Y/N'

Suddenly, Mechagodzilla's eyes glow a bright red as they slowly start to move.

Ironwood: Tch, take her and retreat!

Atlas soldiers run over and grab her by the arms. They eventually come up to bullhead, put her in, and fly off.

Mechagodzilla: IRONWOOD!!!!

The roar was loud enough to shake the trees around them.

Autumn just smiles.

Autumn: 'I know you will come to save me.'

Mechagodzilla POV

This human stole what was important to me! For that, they will all die!

I look down a hall to see Skullcrawlers running towards me. They all stop and look up at me, awaiting orders. I also see flying creatures as well.

This army will help me destroy this pitiful world

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This army will help me destroy this pitiful world. But first, I must find a new base.

Mechagodzilla: I'm coming for you Ironwood.......


Chapter 1 is done! How was it, guys? I feel like I did pretty well!

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