Chapter 11: The Captives

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And we are back!

And I also have to thank you for the 20k views. Never thought it would happen.


Ruby slowly opens her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling.

Ruby: Huh? Where am I?

???: Finally awake huh?

Ruby looks towards the voice to see someone on the opposite side of some metal bars. This person turns out to be a guard of some sort.

Their outfit is full black with a few red lines going along the arms. There seems to be a pistol on their hip like how police officers would have it. To top it all off, a mask covers their entire face that only shows their eyes.

Seems like the main villain rather than a guard.

???: As you can see, you are captured.

Ruby: Why would you capture me? I'm just a normal student!

???: Don't yell at me, little girl! *Ahem* You think you are normal? Tell me this, why would the headmaster let a 15-year-old into beacon?

Ruby: Because I stopped a robbery?

???: No you idiot! *sigh*

He takes out a mirror and holds it in front of the cage.

???: Look into this.

Ruby moves closer to the bars and looks at herself from the mirror.

Ruby: What am I supposed to be looking at?

???: Your eyes. What color are they?

Ruby: They are silver.

???: How many people have silver eyes today?

Ruby: Uhmmmm......... I don't know.......

???: You are the only one with Silver eyes!

Ruby: Oh

???: Ozpin was using you to defeat a bigger threat than the White Fang, Roman Torchwick, and even that giant robot that destroyed Atlas!

Ruby: Really? Who's the bigger threat?

???: -_-

Ruby: Why are you looking at me?

???: Whatever. Also, we kidnapped your sister too.

Ruby: What!

???: Don't get mad at me! Remember, you are the one in the cage!

Ruby: What should I call you?

???: Uhh what? I'm a regular soldier. Why do want my name?

Ruby: So I know what to call you when you are behind bars!

???: Very funny kid. Just call me Zeno.

Zeno turns around and walls off.

With Yang

Yang wakes up to see herself chained to a wall.

Yang: W-What the...

A door opens letting a bright light hit Yang's face. She squints her eyes as she hears loud footsteps walk towards her. Said footsteps stop and lights cut on.

Yang gets a look at the person to see a woman smirking at her.

Woman: We will have a lot of fun Yang.

Yang can only look in fear and anger.

Mechagodzilla is waiting on the edge of the ocean for his Warbats to come back with their child. He sees a lone boat floating by.

He decides to take a closer look by flying to it. This ship looks like a ship from the planet earth. Seems like a battleship of the sort. Mechagodzilla activated his thrusters and flew over to it.

When Mechagodzilla got closer, he saw something that surprised him. Said ship had multiple tentacles trailing behind it. The tentacles seemed endless.

Once he was close enough, a tentacle shot out and wrapped around his leg. Said tentacle was strong enough to slam Mechagodzilla into the ocean.

Mechagodzilla starts spinning his tail and drives it into the boat. A tentacle grabbed his tail preventing it from hurting it. The tip of the tail glows red as a red beam is shot out hitting the ship. The ship makes an unholy screech that sounds more like a demon than anything.

Mechagodzilla flies back into the air to get his bearings.

He scans the ship and gets surprised.

Name: SCP 4217


And this chapter is finished!

Thank you for waiting! I have a feeling my grammar is getting worse. It could just be me......

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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