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A girl slowly blinked her eyes open to find herself on a hard floor. She was in a large room and a few people were looking out the window or fiddling with a phone. she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. Where was she and why was everyone staring at her?

"You are awake," said a kind woman. She had a blue dress on and long brown hair which was put in a braid."Do you remember anything?"

"What's going on?" the girl asked. "Where am I?"

"You are on the top floor of the t.v building," she replied. Coming closer she felt her forehead and then her pulse. "You seem to be fine, but do you know who you are?"

"I - I don't know anything," She replied honestly. "What happened?" Everyone looked at each other, then back at her, whispering.

"I think she lost her memory when she entered that thing," someone shouted. There were mumbles of agreement through the small crowd.

"What thing," the girl asked, standing up. She swayed a little bit but steadied herself as she walked towards the window. Outside she could see nothing but black clouds covering what must be a city. There was something flying towards them, a small speck of red in the cloudy sky.

"What city are we in," the girl asked. "All there is black, but you said we were on the top floor."

"She's a fast thinker, she is," Someone said.

"We're in Ninjago City," Someone else replied. "Surely you would remember that."

"And what is that," She asked, pointing at the now visible flying ship.

"It's the ninja!" a boy responded, jumping up and down with excitement. "Were saved!" Everyone ran onto the roof, pushing the girl with them. She stopped to look at where the people were running. Two boys were leading people onto the ladders, one wearing a black ninja suit and the other wearing a blue one.

She looked down at her own body to find herself wearing blue jeans and a green hoodie. Grabbing her hair she saw that it was a dirty blond, almost a light brown. Looking around she saw that she was the last one on the roof.

"Come on!" the guy in the black suit shouted. She ran to him as the black smoke started to close in on her. She grabbed onto the ladder and started climbing as the guy called for someone to start the ship. She had just climbed over the top of the ship when it suddenly shot backward.

"Cole!" the person with the blue suit yelled. The girl quickly turned around and saw the black ninja hanging by his knees on the ladder, and almost in slow motion, the rope snapped, and he fell through the air, his legs and arms flapping in the air.

"No," the girl said quietly. She reached over the edge of the ship as if she could grab his hand and pull him aboard. As she thought this, her fingers outstretched, a big bubble-like orb floated out of the blackness, and inside was the ninja she now identified as Cole.

"Cole!" Zane said in surprise as the ship quickly shot forward, Cole still floating in the orb, following the ship and getting closer and closer.

The girl didn't know what to do, but her body did. She brought her arm into her body and the orb with Cole hovered above the deck. The person steering the ship saw it and slowed down the ship, staring in awe at the orb. Everyone was watching the orb as Cole looked around. His eyes locked with hers as she closed her fingers, making the orb disappear.

Cole dropped to the deck, and as if they were snapped out of a trance, the other ninja, who were also wearing different colored suits, ran towards Cole, asking him multiple questions at once. Cole ignored them, only having eyes for the girl as he got up from the deck.

"Who are you?" Cole asked, walking towards her. She took a step back, then stared at her feet. "How did you do that?" Now everyone turned their attention to the girl, and she wanted to shrink away from their stares.

"Oh," the first woman who helped her stepped out of the crowd and came to stand beside the scared girl. "Someone pulled her out of the black smoke and she seemed to have lost her memory. Whoever pulled her out didn't make it." she nodded in response, looking at the ninja.

"Yeah, and what was that thing? I seemed to create it, and make it disappear." She asked. She looked down at her hands then back up at the ninja. "And who are you? I know you are a ninja and stuff but still."

"We were going to ask you the same question," Cole answered, stepping forward. "My name is Cole, this is Kai, Nya, Jay, and Zane is up there steering the ship because he is the only one smart enough to know we need to get back to Lloyd." Nya jumped at the thought and ran to join Zane at the wheel. Kai chuckled at his sister's actions. At least she guessed they were siblings. They had similar features and their suits were similar in color too. 

"Lloyd?" the girl questioned but thought this was not the right time. "Anyway, you can call me, uh," she hesitated. What should the ninja call her? She didn't exactly know her own name.

"How about Violet?" The woman suggested. The girl thought about it and didn't have any problem with the name.

"I like that name," the girl, now Violet replied. "So call me Violet."

"Perfect," Jay started but was stopped by Zane's voice.

"Get everyone below deck, Pixal just called in," Zane said as he walked over to the group. "Nice to meet you, Violet." He smiled and Violet noticed his metal skin. He looked just like a human and functioned like one too. She had a million questions about it, but she saved them for later. She knew that she would be with them for a while. 

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