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Jennefer looked up at the towering mountain as she reached the bottom of the stone steps. This was it, the Ninja's home. The one place she and Caroline strived to find for the longest time. The sight took her breath away.

"I have to go up anyway, would you like to come with me?" The postman asked. He was already standing on the steps but had turned around to look at Jennefer. He was the only one Jennefer could find to lead her to the Ninja's Monastery.

"I would like that, thanks," Jennefer replied. Taking a deep breath she put her foot on the first step and pushed herself up.

The climb gave Jennefer time to reflect. It took way too long to travel back to Ninjago. The pack on her back reminded her of how she had left all of Caroline's supplies back in the forest in hopes she would escape.

She remembered watching the black men break Caroline's shields and take her away. She couldn't do anything but flee and find the ninja. That's what Caroline said she needed, not a foolish rescue. The ninja could help her.

What if she was too late? What if Caroline was in danger and Jennefer had no way of helping her? On the other hand, what if Caroline was able to convince their father to be reasonable and live a normal life?

"We're about halfway there," The postman announced.

"Really?" Jennefer looked behind them at the swirling steps below. "I thought we would almost be there by now." Jennefer had walked all day and night, but she had never walked upstairs this high before without a break.

"We can rest if you'd like. I'm sorta used to it, though it doesn't help the old ake in my bones. It never gets old delivering to the ninja." The postman looked around for a spot to sit, but the only spot on the steep mountainside was the stairs themselves.

"I'm okay for now, thanks for asking," Jennefer replied, noticing how uneven her breathing was. Maybe she did need a break, but she wasn't going to admit that to the old man. He had more endurance than she did.

"You know, I used to not like the ninja much. They always caused trouble and I always had to climb this mountain or fly after them on my flying bike. It was just so annoying and they would always be causing trouble.'' The postman continued climbing as he talked, Jennefer on his heels.

"Do you like them now?" Jennefer asked, curious.

"Oh yeah. I realize that they aren't so bad. Saving the city and all. I found that I don't need to chase them on their adventures anymore either. As long as the monastery stays in one piece at least. Trying to find them when they were living on The Destiny's bounty was a nightmare."

They kept climbing, and climbing. It seemed not even the postman had the endurance to climb the mountain as he began to slow and his breathing became heavy. Jennefer found herself struggling and tried to find the top of the mountain ahead of them.

Finally, they reached the top and Caroline thanked the postman for taking her up. He knocked on the large red door and waited.

"It was no problem, I was heading up anyway," The postman gave a large sigh as the doors opened. "I got a letter for you," He handed the letter to the person who opened the door.

Jennefer had heard about the ninjas and the nindroids but never imagined seeing them in real life. Judging by the girl's features this was Pixal who thanked the man and took the letter.

"Good luck with your mission," the postman mumbled as he began heading back down the mountain. Jennefer had told him that she had been given a special mission to find the ninja, it was the only way he would show her the place. Apparently, the ninja do not want fans coming to knock on their door.

"Hello, who are you?" Pixel asked once she had spotted Jennefer.

"My name is Jennefer and I come seeking help," Jennefer said, unsure of if Caroline had told the ninja about her. "Uh, it's about Caroline."

"Come on in," Pixel invited Jennefer in and Pixal closed the door behind her. Jennefer observed the circular courtyard and spotted the mural on the wall. She would have to look at that later.

"Who's this?" Jennefer spotted the owner of the voice. He looked very old but yet fit at the same time. He was standing beside a pot of tea and watched Jennefer with wise eyes.

"Master Wu, this is Jennefer. She has news of Caroline." Pixel introduced Jennefer. Master Wu stroked his beard and walked towards Jennefer, who was now standing in the middle of the courtyard.

"Caroline's sister, I remember," Master Wu nodded. "Take your bag off, Pixel?"

"I can take it for you," Pixel said kindly. Jennefer took off the bag and gave it to Pixel, who put it by the door of the monastery.

"So, what brings you here?" Master Wu asks once Pixel joined them again. "And did Caroline find you?"

"Um, are the ninja here?" Jennefer looked at the monastery. "I don't like repeating myself and,"

"No, unfortunately not," Master Wu interrupted Jennefer. "I bet you haven't heard. The ninja has disappeared as the public may have noticed. They don't know however that they have traveled to the Never Realm, which is one of the 16 realms which not many return from."

"Why have they gone there," Jennefer gasped, putting her hands to her mouth. "Do you know if they have a way home?"

"They went after Zane, I trust you know who that is?" Jennefer nodded and Master Wu continued. "I was going to go find him, but the ninja took it upon themselves to go on their own. I fear they will not be able to get back."

"Well, I fear something bad has happened," Jennefer began. "We went after our dad, wanting to maybe talk some reason into him. We found that he had an army stationed there when Caroline told me about the men who chased her out of the forest."

"Is that when you found each other?" Pixel asked. "We lost contact shortly after that encounter. She wouldn't give us the details."

"Not exactly," Jennefer felt like she was betraying Caroline. "She lost the car and all the supplies you gave her when the men attacked. She accidentally showed them her powers and they tried to capture her. The next day she fell in a river and the people I was staying with saved her."

"So you guys went after your father?" Wu's eyes darkened.

"Yeah, but we were tricked. Caroline was captured. She told me to come find you guys." Jennefer explained. "I feel helpless! I don't even know if she's in danger or not. I just left her like she said, but I'm the older sister, I'm supposed to protect her."

Jennefer hugged herself with her arms and put her head down. She had fought the urge to turn around for so long. Now that she was here and the ninja were gone she didn't have a path forward. She had no more stones set in front of her. What was she supposed to do now?

"We are going to help Caroline," Master Wu put his hand on Jennefer's shoulder. "But first, let's help the ninja find their way home."

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