The Fight Begins

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"You can't?" Jennefer repeated Controlled Caroline's words. "Why can't you?" The ninja suddenly appeared and circled the two girls. Controlled Caroline became defensive as her father realized what was going on.

"Because I am on Dad's side," Controlled Caroline announced. "And I think I should be the Hero of Ninjago. You should all retire and let me take control." The ninja took defensive positions and formed a tighter circle, letting Jennefer stand behind them.

"This isn't you Caroline," Cole tried to reason with her. "We don't have to fight. We can help."

"No, you can't." Controlled Caroline put her hands out, creating a barrier that pushed the ninja away. The ninja didn't attack but stayed on the defensive as Controlled Caroline began to attack them.

"Caroline Stop!" Nya called as Jay was kicked to the ground. Suddenly two ninjas were on top of her, pinning her to the ground.

"We can help," Zane's voice told Caroline he was on top of her, pinning her down.

"Not anymore." Controlled Caroline struggled under the weight of two people. "There is so much I can do with these powers." Her voice was barely a whisper. It only took a few seconds for her to create a barrier like a sword. She knocked the two ninjas off, grabbed the barrier sword, and ran toward the edge of the ship.

Caroline heard the shouts behind her as her father made her jump off the ship. There was a forest beneath them and her father waited till the last second to slow her down. She landed on the forest floor and ran. Something thud in the forest and Caroline guessed the Ninja were following her.

Caroline knew they were in the forest. Mr. Garse appeared in a clearing and Controlled Caroline stopped. He was talking to something in his hand, but he quickly slipped it into his pocket when the ninja came into the clearing.

"Caroline," Jennefer was the last to come into the clearing. The ninja all stopped to stare at Mr. Garse and Jennefer halted in front of them, the closest to both him and Caroline. "Dad?" Her voice cracked as she recognized who he was.

"That's your dad?" Jay exclaimed from behind her. Controlled Caroline walked to stand beside Mr. Garse, with no emotion on her face. She yearned to go over to them, tell them everything, and be safe.

"Caroline, listen to me," Jennefer turned to Caroline. "You fought against him all this time, why join him now? You're not yourself." Jennefer looked lovingly at Caroline, and she wished she could cry for her, to show her it wasn't her choice.

"She can't respond." Mr. Garse explained. "I'm afraid she may never be able to." Jennefer turned to her father with wide eyes.
"What did you do?" Her voice was high, fearful.

"I control her," Mr. Garse explained. "I thought there might be an antidote, but," His voice trailed off.

"I thought you weren't evil," Jennefer was on the verge of tears. "I was convinced we could talk to you. I never really believed what Caroline told me. No one could take you away like that. But I was wrong."

"Jenn," Mr. Garse seemed heartbroken.

"All you care about is being the center of attention, the center of the universe." Jennefer turned around to the ninja. Caroline wished she could see what was happening.

"We will never surrender," Lloyd suddenly screamed. "We will always be the heroes, and we will defeat you if we must."

"Fine, you wanted me to be the bad guy?" Mr. Garse turned to Caroline. "Then I'll be the bad guy."

Controlled Caroline put her hands out and her shields captured the ninja and her barrier sword disappeared. Jennefer was also captured in a sphere. Zane created a tornado and the shield broke. Mr. Garse looked at him in surprise as he launched himself toward Caroline.

The other ninja followed suit and it turned into a battle. With Jennefer stuck in a sphere above the fight, the ninja split up to fight Caroline and Mr. Garse. Caroline was surprised to find whenever she spotted her father in her sight he was fighting strong while still controlling her.

Caroline used her shields more than needed. Her barriers were used to block attacks, push back on opponents, and hit them. Caroline usually only used her powers when needed because if she uses them too much it drained her energy.

Caroline could barely keep up with the fight as she constantly kicked, punched, and threw barriers at the ninja. She was scared to find two of the ninjas on the ground after she had hit them with a barrier.

Her father captured them in a barrier and they floated up to sit by Jennefer in the air. Caroline didn't know how long the fight had been, but with the orbs in the air her energy began to deplete and her movements slowed.

Mr. Garse began to notice this and he shook the ninja off of him to control Caroline. Controlled Caroline quickly got up from her position on the ground and pointed her hands forward.

All of her energy went towards capturing each ninja in a sphere and placing them in a large sphere before they could escape. Caroline wished to cry out as Controlled Caroline lowered the sphere to the ground and began to make it shrink.

Caroline saw Jennefer in the sphere and wondered if her father knew she was in there. Caroline collapsed to her knees as her powers drew on her energy to work. Caroline made eye contact with Zane and shards of ice flew towards her.

With no more energy left not even Mr. Garse could save Caroline from receiving a large cut on her side from a sharp ice shard. 

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