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Caroline stretched and stood up. Two days had passed and Caroline was feeling pretty good. She once again thought of leaving but Martha's words came back to her.

"At least stay until that wound is healed. I really don't mind."

Martha told Caroline that her husband went to town and would be back in a few days. Caroline convinced herself that she at least needed to thank him in person. A smile came to her lips as she thought of James, who has been keeping her company as she rested.

Feeling the need to walk around Caroline explored the small home. There was a small kitchen with a square table, set with four chairs. Beside the kitchen were three rooms, which Caroline didn't explore. She walked back to the living room where she had been sleeping to find Martha coming into the house through the front door.

"Good, you're awake." Martha smiled. She walked around the room, opening the curtains to let in the sunshine. "How are you feeling today?"

"Great," Caroline replied truthfully. "I was wondering if there was anything I could help you with."

"You don't have to do anything dear," Martha walked over to the couch and began folding up Caroline's borrowed blankets.

"Oh, but you've been so kind to me, and I'm restless. I can help with anything." Caroline itched to be doing something useful. James came into the living room, his hair sticking straight up.

"Well, you could help James feed the animals," Martha nodded. "Maybe after he cleans himself up." Martha gave her son a warning look which he responded to by rushing back into what Caroline guessed was his room.

"Is he a good kid?" Caroline asked.

"Most of the time." Martha nodded. "It's actually good that he is getting some time with kids." Matha indicated Caroline and she looked down at her feet.

"I don't feel like a kid anymore," Caroline mumbled. "It's been way too long."

"Well, you don't have to worry about anything here," Martha reassured. "You can be a kid as long as you like while you are here. How old are you anyway?"

"14, actually," Caroline thought about it. "I'm probably 15 now, I've lost track of the time for the past few months."

"You're definitely more mature than most fifteen-year-olds are," Martha nodded. "Well, looks like James is ready, why don't you go see the animals." Turning around Caroline saw James standing awkwardly in the hallway with his hair combed and a new pair of clothes on his body.


Caroline enjoyed the time she spent with James. The winter season had hit as Caroline helped take care of the animals in the barn. James enthusiastically told her all their names as he showed her how to feed and check up on every animal.

They had five chickens, three goats, and a cow. James said they had a horse named Clip-clop who was in town with his father. Caroline especially enjoyed watching the chickens hop around their cage.

The next day James became less concentrated on his life but was very interested in Caroline's. He would constantly ask questions and Caroline answered them the best she could. When they were done with the animals James led Caroline to a small playhouse.

The playhouse was cozy and had a few blankets and pillows inside. Caroline snuggled in beside James, enjoying the boy's cheerful attitude. She had never had a little sibling, but she imagined that James would be a great brother.

"Lloyd is my hero," James explained to Caroline as he listed the Ninja. "I've heard so many stories about him and what he's done for Ninjago. Without him, evil would win and I wouldn't be here. "

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