The Lions Den

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Caroline had no concept of time or days as she spent time in the white room. A pattern slowly appeared as the days went by. A hard mattress was brought in for her to sleep on. Three meals were brought in at different times and Caroline knew it was time to sleep only after the third one had arrived.

Caroline sat against the wall in a depressed state. She didn't understand how any of this was necessary. Why would her father treat her like this? Caroline jumped but relaxed just as quickly as the door opened.

She expected her next meal and didn't make any moves to get up. Instead, she looked at the ceiling, not wanting to engage with the person. The door closed again and Caroline lowered her eyes to search for the plate of food.

She was met with not a plate of food but Ronin. Caroline jumped and scrambled up, staring at Ronin with untrust and fear. She didn't know why she suddenly felt this way, but Caroline didn't want to give him a chance.

"So, I had a change in attitude I see," Ronin said, noticing her behavior. "Well, don't worry, someone wants to see you." Caroline looked at him in confusion, glancing at the door and expecting someone to come through it.

"They won't be coming to you," Ronin explained. "Sorry, but I have to blindfold you." Without giving Caroline a chance he pulled out a cloth and put it around Caroline's eyes. Caroline tensed as he felt his strong hands tying the blindfold on her eyes. She was met with complete darkness.

Compared to the blinding white room, the darkness of the blindfold was foreign to her. She felt something cold get put on her neck and she grabbed at the collar. Her wrists were pulled from the collar out in front of her and she was pulled roughly from the room.

Sounds reached Caroline's ears that she couldn't comprehend. The sounds of machines and doors and walking feet overrun Caroline's senses and she felt disoriented as she was led by her wrists to an unknown location.

Caroline didn't know how far they walked, but suddenly Ronin stopped and took off the blindfold. She rubbed her wrists and once again reached up to feel the choking collar. It felt like stone and Caroline tested her theory by trying to create a barrier with no success.

"Caroline," The voice was soft and loving and Caroline looked up trying to locate the familiar voice. He came from the back of the room, his hair cut and dressed in a fine suit of gray. He had a smile on his face as he walked to Caroline with outstretched arms.

Caroline took a step back. This wasn't the dad she used to know. This man looked professional, all business, but his smile was real. The gleam in his eyes told Caroline of the joy he felt. Caroline couldn't help but give a small smile as well.

"It's been such a long time," Mr. Garse stopped a foot from Caroline, his arms open in a welcoming hug. Caroline couldn't help but lean in and give him a big hug. Tears formed in her eyes and Mr. Garse gave her a tight squeeze.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked in a shaking voice. "I missed you, but I can't stay with you." Carolien pushed away from her father, tears still in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently. "I was just looking for my daughter and I found her. Have they been treating you okay?" He glanced behind him where Carolien saw Ronin standing.

"Greed for yourself has overtaken you," Caroline didn't know what to do when she first saw him, but she watched him and understood "You created all of this just to find me, to make me a hero." Her voice became stronger and she glanced around the circular room.

"I thought that's what you wanted," Mr. Garse said, watching his daughter. "My, have you grown! I remember when you were just a child, She loved you so dearly."

"Don't talk about Mom," Caroline raised her voice, putting her hands out in front of her as if he was going to attack her. "She didn't want any of this. You told me I could be a hero just like the ninja. I don't want to be like the ninja anymore. There is more to being a hero than being recognized."

"Oh, then what else is there?" Mr. Garse asked.

"Risking your life for others, protecting those who can't protect themselves. Being selfless," Caroline glared at her father. "Unlike you."

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Garse laughed. "I taught you how to fight, how to protect others. That's all I want to do."

"No, you put lies in my head," Caroline argued. "You want me to take the ninja's place? You want glory."

"You must understand where I'm coming from," Mr. Garse's voice began to harden against her words. "Being a hero means nothing if you don't get a reward."

"It means everything to the people you protect." Caroline spat. "I'm getting out of here to protect the ninja, to protect Jennefer, to protect you." Caroline grabbed at the collar, trying to break it off her neck. She noticed Ronan swinging around a key with a smug look on his face.

"Come on, I want you on my side Kare," Mr. Garse took another step forward. "I don't want to put you back in that room."

"You're evil," Caroline got ready to run. "You want to protect our world, well you just became the monster destroying it." Caroline took off towards Ronin who looked surprised and dogged her attack.

Mr. Garse gave a yell like a roar and Caroline was surrounded by his men. "I told you she wouldn't listen," Ronin said, joining Mr. Garse's side. "That's why I'll never have kids."

"Do you really want to be put in that room again?" Mr. Garse walked towards the helpless Caroline. "If you help me I won't put you back there. I'll give you a nice room with,"

"You aren't my dad anymore," Caroline made a split-second decision to never trust him. "I would die before helping you."

"There is always the thing I offered," Ronin piped up. Mr. Garse turned around to look at him. "If you're willing to pay the price that is."

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