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Caroline sat on a log back at the campsite, staring at the yellowed envelope in her hands. The ninja watched her as she took a deep breath. She had shown them where to get food and they had eaten lunch, but it seems like now there was no more delaying what she needed to do.

"I don't know," Caroline sighed, putting her hands on her lap and looking at the ninja surrounding the dying fire. "This might tell me more about my past, but the deeper I dig the more it hurts me. It's like something is trying to prevent me from remembering my past. And what if I find out something I don't want to learn?"

"You've been through a lot today, I understand if you don't want to open it now," Lloyd said. "Pixel is on her way, we can open it when we get back to the monastery."

"Oh come on, the suspense is killing me!" Kai moaned, standing up. "Come on, there's a lump in the package, it can't be just a note." That was true, there was something else in the package, but Caroline knew for a fact that there was also a note in there.

"I'll open it," Caroline decided, holding the envelope up. On the front, Caroline noticed that there seemed to be some sort of writing, long since disappeared. Caroline guessed that it used to say Jenn.

"You don't have to," Lloyd argued, standing up as well. Caroline made up her mind and tore open the top of the envelope, the old paper almost falling apart in her hands. She peaked inside and pulled out a silver chain. She glimpsed into the past when she held the same necklace, dropping it into the envelope.

Nya "ohh," Softly as she saw the charm. It was a light blue crystal, roughly shaped. Alongside the crystal was a small metal piece with a J imprinted into it. Caroline flinched as she looked at the necklace, a piece of her past trying to break through the mental barrier blocking it.

Caroline put it around her neck, feeling power surge inside. Finally, the memory slipped passed and she remembered when she created this necklace, putting a piece of her power inside.

"A piece of my power is inside this crystal," Caroline lightly touched the crystal on her chest. "It was meant for my older sister, to protect her. But she never found the envelope, and I wasn't able to give it to her."

"It survived all this time?" Cole wondered out loud. "That's incredible."

"Just a question, do you remember everything about your past, or am I missing something?" Jay asks, looking around the group, confused.

"No Jay," Caroline said with a giggle. He always seemed to know how to make them laugh. "I still only remember pieces. I don't know what the note says and I only just remembered this necklace."

"This is strange behavior for the human mind," Zane commented. "You would never just forget everything. It wasn't until Wu gave you tea that you started to remember. I think there was more to this than we know."

"Your right Zane," Lloyd nodded in agreement. "We should ask Master Wu what he thinks about that."

"In the meantime, are you going to look at the note?" Nya asks, watching Caroline finger the folded note. She had taken it out of the envelope and held it wordlessly. She closed her eyes to find that there seemed to be a black cloud in her mind, preventing her from unlocking her memories. The longer she held the note the stronger that cloud got, threatening to take over her whole brain.

"I need to do it," Caroline breathed, looking at the letter once again. "There are so many secrets in this letter, I know of it." Without looking at the other ninja she unfolded the letter, feeling like something bad was going to happen.

Carefully she looked at the first few words. She felt pain in her head but tried not to show it, continuing to read the letter until she got to the second sentence.

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