Lacking Experience

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Mr. Garse tried to keep Caroline occupied. He let her watch shows on a big screen, read some books, and even gave her some puzzles to complete, which was more entertainment for him than anything.

Mr. Garse continued to try and get Caroline to speak, with no success, Caroline had figured it out though. He had to match her breathing. He could make sounds when she was breathing out, but when she began to breathe in nothing would happen. Caroline guessed that he could control her breathing to a certain degree because anyone can control when they hold their breath.

It wasn't long before Mr. Garse figured that out. Once he did he made use of Caroline's unused voice to create conversation. Caroline's throat did not appreciate the forced speech, but she had no way of telling her father.

"I want to watch the news," Controlled Caroline was forced to say one day. Her voice was scratchy and not quite right but her father enjoyed the sound.

"Of course, that's exactly what I was thinking," Mr. Garse replied. He turned on the TV and they sat on a couch to watch. When the news came on it was a boring segment on some sort of building being torn down.

"Eh, nothing going on in Ninjago City today," Mr. Garse said, picking up the remote. He was about to change the channel when suddenly the scene changed to show a large monster-like being raging the streets of Ninjago City.

"Now that's something worth investigating," Mr. Garse put the remote down and leaned forward to watch. "Get my transportation ready," Someone in the back of the room quickly left and Caroline feared the worst.

The people on the news quickly disappeared and an ad for a cheeseburger place popped up. Mr. Garse immediately stood up and made Controlled Caroline follow him through the halls and into a large room full of vehicles.

"Are we going to fight that creature?" Controlled Caroline voiced. It seemed Mr. Garse was trying to give Caroline her own personality. Did it make him feel better about his decision?

"Yes, you can save the city and become a hero," they climbed onto a flying vehicle and Mr. Garse ordered the pilot to go to Ninjago as quickly as possible. "If we can get there before the ninja we may have a chance."

"Sounds Great!" Controlled Caroline stared at her father's happy face. Does this make you feel better about your choices? Caroline thought. Because I would never say something like that.

Controlled Caroline was put in the back of the vehicle with her eyes closed so she had no sense of her surroundings. She could only hear the roar of the engine as they sped through the sky. Caroline tried to open her eyes, to voice something, or to even lift a finger, but it was impossible.

Suddenly they came to an abrupt stop and Controlled Caroline stood up, her eyes still closed. She felt her foot hit nothing then she fell. Caroline willed her eyes to be opened but they stayed closed shut as she felt herself create a platform to glide down safely on.

She could smell the monster in front of her and finally,  her eyes opened. It was concentrating on Samurai- X and looked about ready to finish it off. Caroline's hands raised and a barrier formed around the creature, holding it in place. Caroline scolded her father at the action.

She knew her father knew how to fight, but how many fights with strange creatures had he had? She observed the struggling creature as it banged against the thin walls with its tentacles. It was a grayish-green color with a horrible-looking mouth right in the center of its blobby body.

Caroline knew that being trapped would anger the creature even more and feared for herself as the creature hit the side of the barrier. The barrier broke and disappeared as the creature focused on Caroline. She felt her father's control as he dodged the tentacles and feared the robotic movements wouldn't do much to protect her.

Controlled Caroline was forced to look ahead when she wished her head was rotating all around her. She felt a tentacle hit her back while she was flipping and she was shot through the air like a cannon.

Something caught her and Controlled Caroline's head turned to see Samurai-X suit. Caroline pleaded with Pixel not to recognize her in her strange outfit of black and teal. Her father insisted on her wearing a ninja-like outfit.

"You okay?" Pixel asked. Controlled Caroline nodded, her mouth opening to ask a question.

"Where are the ninja?" Her father's question was drowned out by a strange roar from the creature which barreled into Samurai-X. Caroline fell to the ground with a thud and wondered what would happen if she was knocked out cold. Would her father still be able to control her body?

Her father seemed to not give up as ControlledCaroline stood on her feet and lunged forward. Caroline wished she could close her eyes as her barriers cut off two arms of the creatures and failed to hit a third one coming her way.

The creature was focusing on Samri-X and the tentacle hit her as if it was swatting away an annoying fly. That with an enormous blast from Pixel sent her flying into a building and sent her tumbling to the ground. It seemed Pixel had defeated the beast with energy from the city.

Caroline was slumped against a building and watched as Samiri-X carried away the creature, but not before glancing Caroline's way. Caroline's vision was blurry and she felt her body try to pick itself up, but it slumped back down onto the ground.

Before Samurai-X could do anything, something picked Caroline up and her eyes spotted her father's concerned face before her eyes closed and her brain shut down. 

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