Many Questions

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Violet woke up the next morning feeling sore but refreshed. She quietly walked out of her room and down the hallways, finding everyone else still asleep. She was just about to go back to her room when a voice made her jump.

"You're up early."

Violet turned around to see Wu standing behind her, his fingers wrapped around his staff. She let out her breath and walked towards him, wondering what time it was. She stopped in front of him, fiddling with her fingers behind her back.

"I," Violet started, then an idea struck her. "Can you help me regain my memory?" Violet knew that Wu could find something that would help her regain her memory unless it was erased on purpose.

"I am not sure," He answered, thinking about it. "I might be able to find something that will help you but it will not restore your memory completely."

"I will be willing to do anything," Violet said, getting excited. "And I can be patient too," she added. Wu chuckled as he walked away, meeting Misaco on the way, who she learned was the woman who helped her out of danger when she almost joined the battle.

Violet was finding it hard to wait on something she could use to regain her memories. Instead, she kept herself busy with training, which the ninja was more than happy to do. After beating them all in their fight they were glad to have her as an ally, but Violet agreed that her power was dangerous until she could learn to control it.

Until Wu could find something to help her see her past, Violet and the other ninja decided that she should train to learn more about her abilities and learn more fighting skills. Violet was finding it harder and harder to control her powers if she thought about it. She would rather let her instincts guide her actions, and not have to worry about what needed to be done.

It was almost two full weeks until Wu found a mixture that would help Violet see something from the past. After finishing her training with Nya, who was teaching her more fighting moves, she sat down in a room with Wu and Lloyd. Everyone else was kicked out, but Violet knew they were standing right outside the door.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lloyd asked her, looking concerned. "You may learn something you didn't want to know." Wu was pouring another liquid into the solution he was making. Lloyd was shifting uncomfortably beside him.

"You don't know what it feels like to not even know your name," Violet responded, her voice almost a whisper. "I love what I have built here with you and all that you have done, but if I have a family out there, I want to know that they are still out there and find them."

Violet knew that Lloyd knew how it hurt to lose a family member. Over the past few weeks they had told her all about their adventures, even one that only Jay and Nya had remembered.

Lloyd didn't say anything but stared at his hands in his lap. Wu handed Violet the tea and she took it, cupping it in both her hands to try and stop them from shaking. The contents swirled around the cup, a light blue color.

"You will close your eyes while drinking and not open them till it is done," Wu instructed. Violet opened her mouth to ask a question but Wu answered it. "You will know." Violet nodded and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before drinking all the tea.

She was running from someone, she didn't know who. The forest was thick and she kept tripping on branches and plants. Her heart was beating as she searched around her, for someone she knew. Suddenly her foot was caught and she was dragged down onto the ground.

Grunting, she tried getting up only to see her foot tangled in a bush. She reached down to untangle it when someone grabbed her hand and pulled her upward. She screamed and struggled, but the person didn't let go as he pulled her off the ground.

"Don't try to run, Kare," the man said. "You need to learn how to become the hero. Hold up to the Garse name." Kare struggled and felt her shoulder pop. she yelled in agony and the man grabbed her around the middle. Kare concentrated hard and created a sphere around the man, letting her fall to the ground. She ran, but she lost her concentration and let the man go.

Someone else grabbed her and pulled her close. "Your powers are good, for a ten-year-old girl," the person whispered. This one was a girl and Kare turned around and gave her a big hug.

"You don't understand, I have to do this," Kare sobbed into her chest. "I have to protect you."

Violet's eyes snapped open, she was breathing hard. She was leaning against the wall and she fell onto the ground when her eyes opened, losing her balance. The vision gave her more questions than answers, but it told her one thing.

She tried sitting up, and Lloyd helped her, sitting beside her on the wall so that she could lean against him. She did it gratefully, trying to calm her racing heart.

"What did you see?" Lloyd asked, his voice filled with worry more than curiosity. She glanced at the door to see the ninja fighting over the window in the door. She gave a small smile and sighed.

"My name, my name," She repeated. She gave one more calming breath before continuing. "My name is Caroline, Caroline Garse." She lifted her head from Lloyd's shoulder, feeling stronger.

"Caroline," Wu said, deep in thought. "Maybe your name means something that might help us." Caroline didn't reply, but she turned to Lloyd, who was looking at her with wide eyes.

"What else happened?" Lloyd urged, "You started breathing hard and slumped against the wall." Caroline thought about it, not knowing if she should tell him or not. She felt that he had already been through enough and would start worrying about her.

"That's the most important part," Caroline finally said. She glanced at Wu, who she knew would want to know the whole story. She didn't want Lloyd to worry though so she stood up, walking towards the door where three fighting ninja heads had disappeared. 

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