Unknown Skill

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Violet sat outside in the courtyard, unsure what to do. Everyone else the ninja had saved had gone home and Lloyd was perfectly fine, though the others still thought it best for him to rest for a while. It had been only two days and she had changed her jeans and shirt out for some of Nya's clothes, though not after checking every pocket for some sort of identity card or something. She found nothing though and kept the green hoodie on, thinking about how much it resembled Lloyd's ninja outfit.

The day before they had told everyone how Violet could create magical orbs and barriers, which protected others from getting hurt. Wu had no idea what type of elemental power she had and was very curious to learn more. Violet was finding it difficult to display her powers on command, but only when she was actually fighting or in danger.

Everyone else was inside as the day slipped away. Feeling bored, Violet moved around the courtyard, wondering if there was something she could do. She sighed in defeat when suddenly the circles on the ground sprang up, and Violet jumped back in surprise.

"Oh, I didn't see you there," Nya said, walking towards Violet. Violet met her in the middle of the equipment, looking around in amazement. There were sharp and pointy weapons spinning around a platform and plenty of dangerous things she would never dream of coming close to, especially while they were flying through the air.

"What's this?" Violet asked. She was still looking every which way and her mind was going crazy with ideas of running the course. What's wrong with me? Violet thought to herself. I would never survive a run through this.

"It's the training course," Nya replied, a smile dancing on her lips. "Watch me." With surprising skill, she ran at the spinning weapons and avoided them. Violet watched with wide eyes as she finished with doing some spinjitzu, smiling at Violet's face.

Violet looked at the course Nya had taken, going over the moves she had done. Her body acting on its own will, she ran through the course, ducking and jumping, even doing a flip here and there. She felt the spiky ball nick her shoulder, which threw her off balance. She tripped off the spinning platform, but did an awkward roll and ended on her feet.

Nya's reaction was hard to read. She seemed shocked and surprised at the same time as she ran to Violet. Violet turned to another set of footsteps and saw Lloyd also running towards her. They both stopped short of bumping into her and started asking multiple questions at the same time.

"How did you do that?"

"Where did you learn that?"

"I thought you lost your memory!"

Violet felt overwhelmed and everyone else was coming out of the monastery, looking at the three of them curiously. Violet could feel a bruise on her shoulder and rubbed it self-consciously, wondering everything they were.

"Okay, let her breath," Wu came in and shut his students up. They took a step back and Wu came up to them, glancing at Violet. "What happened?"

"I went through the course to show Violet my skills," Nya started. "And once I finished she looked over the course again and," She was cut off by Lloyd who quickly took up finishing the story.

"She rushed into the course and followed Nya's footsteps until she was knocked off balance by the spiked ball," Lloyd said in a rush. Nya glared at Lloyd and quickly took a chance to interrupt him.

"But she didn't fall, but landed on her feet like a skilled ninja!" Nya finished. Lloyd gave her a death glare and Violet hid silent giggles. They were fighting like siblings do when they were fighting about something. Wu turned to Violet, who quickly shut herself up and stood up as straight as she could.

"Is this true?" Wu asked. Violet hesitated, trying to find the right words.

"I don't know what happened myself," Violet responded. "I saw Nya do it and something inside me pushed me forward. Just like my powers, it felt natural. If I wasn't surprised at what I was doing I might have made it through the whole thing."

"You still haven't shown us your powers," Wu said. "You have been distant ever since we won the battle." Violet shuffled her feet. It was true, she was trying to figure everything out in her head and find out who she was.

"I still don't know how it works myself," Violet replied. "But I can try to do something." Violet took a few steps backward and the others stood to the side. The training equipment went back into the ground, giving Violet more room.

Standing with her back towards everyone, she closed her palm in front of her and opened her fingers to find a floating orb. She played around with it and found she could layer it, making the ball stronger. Making it disappear and creating a weak orb, she turned around fast and flung the ball at Lloyd, who was trying to sneak around to find out what she was doing.

He yelled in surprise and created a shield, making the ball shatter. Lloyd quickly created an energy ball of his own and threw it at Violet, who created a shield in front of her and deflected it easily.

It quickly escalated into a battle. Relying on her instincts, she fought Lloyd at a distance, then moved in for physical contact. After kicking him and making him fly across the courtyard, she threw a ball at Cole, who quickly joined into the fight.

Lloyd quickly got up again and yelled while running at Violet, who was jumping out of the way because Cole had thrown a rock at her. She captured Lloyd in a sphere and left him floating above the ground, yelling at the others to help him.

Violet found out a lot about her abilities as everyone except Wu and Misaco one by one joined. They were all fighting against Violet, who picked them off one by one. She captured them each individually in spheres and caught Jay in Nya's bubble when he jumped on top of it.

Breathing hard, Violet looked around at the five individual orbs flying around the clearing and decided to try one more thing. Her arms outstretched, she brought all the orbs with the screaming ninja into the center. Well, Jay and Cole were yelling. The others had given up and Lloyd, who had been in the orb the longest, looked bored.

She combined the orbs and created one gigantic orb, in which the ninja struggled to free themselves from each other's limbs. Out of breath, she let go of the orb, letting the ninja fall to the ground.

Feeling exhausted, Violet fell to the ground. Sitting up she saw the others getting up and Wu running towards her. Soon everyone was gathered around her, some looking at her in amazement, some in respect, and others in concern.

The sun had almost fully set now and the shadows were long over the ground. Everyone seemed to forget how to speak, and Violet suddenly felt the pain from the exercise pulsing through her body.

Feeling tired, she tried to stand up, only to sway and fall again. Lloyd caught her and half helped, half carried her to the room she was using. She thanked him and settled down on her sleeping bag, aware of the whispers outside her room. She tried to listen to their conversations, but too soon her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep. 

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