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Caroline slowly opened her eyes, her senses slowly waking up. She wondered where she was as she pushed herself up onto her arms to find she was in some sort of room. She found herself shaking and lowered herself back onto her stomach.

Caroline hoped Jennefer would be able to reach the ninja as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Caroline heard a door open but decided not to move. She tried to slow her breathing and look like she was still knocked out.

"She did wake up," An unknown voice said. "She tried to lift herself off the ground."

"Well, maybe she's still out." The voice came to Carolien from a long distance. He sounded like he didn't care, yet had complete control of the situation. "Just leave her. It's late and I'm going to bed. Don't bother me till morning."

The door closed again and Caroline waited a long moment before moving again. She tried to be silent as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. She was in a completely white room with no furniture. A door led out on the side and along the same side there was a mirror. Caroline guessed that the people on the other side could see her through one-way glass.

She knew it was nighttime due to the man saying he was going to bed. Despite it being night Caroline felt wide awake. She stared at herself in the mirror. Caroline smiled at herself as she realized she was wearing her green sweatshirt like she often was.

Caroline noticed her brown hair was all over the place and tried to comb it with her fingers. It was snarled from coming out of the braid and Caroline sat there for a long time going through the tangles and smoothing it out.

Carolien didn't know how long she was in there but once she got bored with her hair she put her hands in her pockets to see if she had anything. Nothing. Gasping Caroline put her hand to her neck to find her necklace was gone. Did it fall off during the fight?

Feeling bored Caroline stood up and shakily made her way to the wall. Bracing herself against the wall she walked around the perimeter until her legs were strong again. Caroline guessed many hours had passed since she had woken up and decided to curl up in the corner and take a nap.

Caroline was awoken by the sound of the door creaking open. Caroline decided to respond this time and sat up, rubbing her tired eyes. She needed answers and she needed to show these people she was strong.

Caroline pushed herself up and glared at the men who came in. One was wearing a black suit but with no hood or mask. His black hair was short on his head and his brown eyes looked at Caroline with curiosity. Caroline noted the lack of weapons.

The second man came after the first, closing the door behind him. He had slightly long brown-orange hair with a dark red conical hat. Over his eye, there was what seemed to be a mechanical patch of some sort.

"Well, she does look shorter in person," the second man commented. "Well, I'm not sure what we do with her now that we have her." Caroline stayed silent, not sure what to say.

"Well, boss told me to introduce you so here ya go," The first man said. Caroline noticed her position in the corner and began slightly moving along the wall to the center of the room.

"Ah, feeling trapped. Come on, to the center. I'm not going to hurt you. I could care less about you, but it gives me business." The second man stepped backward and Caroline watched him as she moved to the center of the room and faced them. She glanced at the door, was it unlocked now?

"Don't think of escaping," He said, noticing her glance. "How rude of me. My name's Ronin, and I hear yours is Caroline." He was trying to spark conversation, but Caroline didn't give him the satisfaction of responding.

"Silent one, ey?" Ronin smiled. Caroline noticed that she was in a slightly defensive pose, but she didn't move. "Not even wondering where you are or what we're going to do with you?"

"What if she doesn't even speak our language," The man in black wondered out loud. "Or maybe she can't speak at all. No, she spoke to the other girl. Are we trying to make her speak?"

"Shut up," Ronin snarled at the man. "Let's go." They both turned to leave, and Caroline waited till the door was opened before acting.

She bolted for the door and tried to make a shield between herself and the men to try to escape. The wall to her surprise flickered and died, which allowed Ronin to push Caroline. Surprised, Caroline was launched backward and onto the hard floor.

"Wha?" Caroline tried to make a sphere from her barriers, but it only glowed slightly blue before fading completely.

"Vengstone," Ronin said, as if that explained everything.

"What do you want with me," Caroline asked, standing up and trying to make another sphere to throw at Ronin. Still, it did nothing and Caroline felt suddenly empty.

"Your powers won't work in here," Ronin explained. "Vengstone cancels your powers. And I don't need you, but your father seems to have big plans. Frustrating that he won't tell me."

"Where is he?" Caroline demanded. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she put herself in a defensive potion, hoping to intimidate this man. The man gave a laugh and pushed the curious man out the door.

"No," Caroline ran to the closing door but reached it as soon as it clicked. She grabbed the handle and tried to pull at it. "Bring me to him, I want to see him!" Caroline didn't even know if they could hear her.

She spent her time kicking at the door and then kicking and punching the mirror, which did nothing to aid in her escape. Yelling herself horse didn't do anything either. The only thing it resulted in was some bruised knuckles and a sore throat.

Feeling defeated, Caroline walked to the wall opposite the mirror and sat down, hugging her knees. She felt alone. She had always had Jennefer with her, to help her if needed. Even the Ninja was there to help her.

"Can anyone hear me?" Caroline said softly. "If you can, I would appreciate a glass of water. Maybe even some food?" She knew her body would need energy, and how would she go to the bathroom? Caroline listened pleadingly but only the silence answered her call. 

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