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Caroline's suspicions continue to rise as the days pass. James couldn't wait for his father to return and Marhta continually stopped him from saying something. Caroline had tried to question them, but Martha never allowed it. Even when alone James had the sense to keep his mouth shut.

James wakes Caroline with excitement when his father returns. Caroline follows James to the snow-covered front yard to find a horse and trailer parked there. Martha is talking to a man around her age. His dark hair is dusted with snow and he puts his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Ah, she's awake," He rumbles as Caroline comes out the front door. "How are you doing? Not drowning anymore I assume."

"I'm great thanks to Martha," Caroline nodded. "I heard you helped me. Thank you."

"It's my pleasure," he put out his hand and Caroline shook it. "My name's Nate, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"My name is Caroline," Caroline introduced herself. Caroline looked to the cart, a blanket covering the stuff inside to protect it from the snow.

As James greeted his father Caroline walked towards the cart. She noticed Martha watching her closely and decided to walk around to the other side of the cart. She noticed the boys become quiet as she turned the corner.

Caroline paused and rubbed her eyes. She felt disoriented as she stared at the sight in front of her. Light brown hair dusted with snow, her blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Caroline's heart filled with joy as she saw her sister standing in the snow, one hand braced on the cart.

"Jennefer," Caroline whispered, unable to believe her eyes. Jennefer's eyes became watery and Caroline ran forward, running into her with all her might. Jennefer lost balance and took a few steps back, wrapping her arms around Caroline.

"Caroline," Jennefer whispered back. Caroline didn't know how long they stood there, but she was afraid to let go. Snow began to fall and Jennefer was the first to loosen her grip, mumbling about the cold, but neither of them cared.

Martha led the two inside, arms still around each other, James following like an excited puppy. They knew she was coming, they were keeping it from her. Nate stayed outside to unload the cart.

Jennefer led Caroline to the couch and they sat down together. Martha pulled James out of the room by his elbow. Caroline sat up to take in Jennefer's features, never letting go of her hand.

"How, have you been here the whole time?" Caroline asked, her words failing her. Tears rolled down their faces as they took each other in.

"No, I traveled for a long time, but it's lonely. I couldn't find you but I couldn't search for you either. I'm sorry if it felt like I abandoned you. I didn't have a choice." Hearing Jennefer's voice filled Caroline with immense happiness.

"You don't even know what I went through. You didn't abandon me, I didn't even know you existed for a long while." Caroline began. And once she started she couldn't stop. She told Jennefer all about her adventure. Not knowing who she was, and how the Ninja helped her regain her memory. How the Oni magic inside of her prevented her from remembering everything. Explaining the ninja's friendship was the most difficult part, but she did the best she could. She told her about how she defeated the Oni magic and the most important part of her adventures alone.

Nate walked in and out a few times, but the girls ignored him. Jennefer told Caroline how she had to leave Ninjago, and how she had ended up in Martha's care. She had been living with Martha for at least a month now, feeling comfortable in the home but always worrying about Caroline.

It was well into the night when they stopped talking. Jennefer led Caroline to a bedroom where she had been staying in. Martha had set up a bed for Caroline and together they went to sleep, finally together again.

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