Like Old Times

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Caroline and Jennefer stayed an hour after they announced their departure at the small family's house. It was difficult to say goodbye to people you can call family. Finally, they were on their way, walking through the forest and finding the flowing water.

They traveled upstream on the bank, Caroline hoping she could remember some landmarks which would lead them in the right direction. They reached the waterfall where Caroline had fallen and were surprised to find it wasn't much taller than she was. They easily climbed over the wall of stone and Caroline pointed out the rock she became stranded on.

"I think I hit my head or something," Caroline explained. "Because it seemed a lot scarier at the time." Caroline wondered if she could swim to the flat rock, but decided against it.

"Well, when you're drowning and in danger, everything seems more life-threatening," Jennefer said.

They continued walking. Caroline didn't know how far up the stream she had been, but they decided to keep pushing forward. The trek was a lot easier with a full stomach and a healed leg.

As night fell Caroline and Jennefer found a place to camp. Caroline placed her pack on the ground, relieved of the heavy burden.

"I'm definitely not used to carrying so much weight," Jennefer said as they began putting up the tent Nate had given them. "But it is nice to have these supplies."

"Tell me about it," Caroline agreed. Once the tent was set up the sisters climbed inside and had a soundless night in the protective dome.

Morning came and they packed the tent back on Jennefer's back. They continued up the stream, enjoying the warm sun as it started to melt the snow-covered forest. After walking hours up the bank they found themselves at the base of a mountain.

"Well, we passed the place I was at I believe," Caroline said, looking back the way they came. "I think we are on the right track though. I slept in a cave on a mountain a little ways from the forest."

"So we have two options, climbing up the mountain to see if we can see the forest or going around the base of the mountain and hoping we stumble across the cave or the forest," Jennefer concluded as they surveyed their surroundings.

"This feels normal," Caroline smiled. "Us trying to figure out where to go. It's like nothing even happened."

"Even though everything has changed," Jennefer agreed. They sat in silence, trying to decide the best course of action. Caroline thought back to when they were in these situations before.

It almost felt like cheating to Caroline, and she couldn't figure out why. Stepping close to Jennefer she made a sphere around them both and lifted them up into the air. Jennefer stared at Caroline, usually Jennefer would be the only one in the bubble.

"I learned I could lift myself," Caroline explained. "Honestly, it's not very hard and I don't know why I had never thought of it before."

"We don't even need to travel by foot, we could just fly," Jennefer said with awe, "But it does drain you to hold a barrier for long periods of time."

"That's why we need to find the forest," Caroline explained. She stopped the bubble's assent and looked around at their surroundings. It was an amazing view with mountains and forests all around them. Caroline concentrated on moving around the mountain and she did. Crossing some open fields they found another forest, bare and snow-covered, but they knew it was home.

Caroline lowered them both into the empty field, landing on her knees. She didn't realize how much strength she was using until the barrier had disappeared. Jennefer knew it too, for she looked around and pointed towards a mound of rocks.

"Let's take a break," Jennefer said, helping Caroline up and walking with her toward the mound of rocks. They found some flat rocks and together they sat, staring at the open field leading to the forest.

"Our next destination is in our sights, another stop on our adventure," Jennefer said, gazing at the trees. Caroline brushed off her knees again in vain, the wetness from the snow creating dark spots on her jeans.

"But this time we are walking towards the danger and not away from it," Caroline pointed out. "It doesn't feel as exciting as it used to."

"After this, we won't need to run," Jennefer stretched and reached into her pack for some snacks. "We can live a normal life like everyone else. Your powers really sped things up, how are you feeling now?"

"Better," Caroline sighed. "You speak of normal, but I will never be normal. My powers separate me from the rest of the world. Like the ninja, there is no normal. Everything changes all the time."

"But normal isn't something you can define," Jenefer explained. "Normal is different for everyone. Normal for those in the city is probably work and shopping and other stuff."

"So what could be our normal?" Caroline asked. Jennefer handed Caroline an apple and grabbed another one for herself.

"Well, our normal used to be in that forest," Jennefer pointed at the forest. "With dad, living our day-to-day. Then it changed. Ruffing it out in the wilderness, traveling from place to place, running away from someone but yet running towards our end goal."

"So, normal is whatever we want it to be," Caroline summed up. "It could be living with Martha and James, or it could be settling down somewhere else."

"Exactly," Jennefer took a bite of her apple and Caroline did the same. Finishing their apples they stood up and began walking toward the forest.

"Onto our next adventure," Jennefer said excitedly. Caroline shook her head, anxiety coursing through her.

"I don't think adventure is the right way to put it," Caroline replied. "I think of it more as a quest. A quest to save someone we love."

"Alright then," Jennefer's smile still remained. "Onto the next step of our quest." Caroline couldn't share her enthusiasm. 

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