Dangerous Situation

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Caroline groaned as she became aware of her body once again. Her muscles were sore from the fight and laying on a hard, cold surface. Sitting up she was reminded of the bit on her leg. Examining it in the dark cave she found the bite not too deep, but without proper care, it was at risk of infection.

"Caroline to ninja," Caroline put her hand up to her ear. "Is anyone there?"

"Are you okay?" Jay's voice crackled in the earpiece.

"Mostly, yeah," Caroline replied. She was still processing the whole situation. "I lost the vehicle, it was taken. I found a good place to hide."

"Who was it taken by?" Lloyd asked. Caroline wondered how many ninja were listening.

"I'm not sure," Caroline replied, "I was looking for a clue, but I found someone who said I was on his property. We had a fight and I think I broke the vehicle as I was driving through the trees." Caroline was aware of the lie, but she didn't know how the ninja would react if they found the truth. She didn't want them coming after her, it was dangerous for them.

"So, you just ran away?" Lloyd asked. He knew there was more to the story. Caroline couldn't think of anything fast enough, so she remained silent. "Why were you in the forest? That's the forest we found your old house in."

"Wait, I was in that forest?" Caroline's heart began to race. She promised herself she would never go back there. She didn't blame herself for the time she went with the ninja because she didn't remember, but she should have recognized it.

"Yes," Lloyd confirmed. Caroline scolded herself. She had been so focused on finding Jennefer that she had blindly made it back to her old home. She paused. Was she meant to go to the forest? Was it her destiny to find out what her father was doing and stop him?

"Is there a river or stream near my location?" Caroline asked, looking down at the dog bite. Taking out the pocket knife she had in her pocket she began cutting away the ripped pant leg.

"Yes, but it's a mile north of your location." Cole was the one to answer this time. "Do you have any supplies with you?"

"Uh, yes. I was able to grab my bag before jumping out," Caroline lied. "I just need to refill my water. Then I am going to find the nearest town to replenish my supplies." Looking at the clothes she had on she wondered what she could use to wrap the dog bite.

She had her green sweatshirt on, which was full of filth, and a plain black t-shirt underneath. Taking the t-shirt off, she cut it and wrapped it around her leg before standing up and testing her weight on it.

With her sweatshirt now her shirt, she limped her way out of the cave. Blinded by the light she blinked a couple of times before focusing on the area around her. Once the coast was clear Caroline limped out and used the compass on the end of her knife to find North.

Caroline ended the radio call with the ninja and slowly made her way toward the water source. She was grateful that her path led her away from the forest and pondered her situation as she walked.

She had no supplies and no transportation. She lost her sister's trail and has no idea where she might have gone. She bumps into someone who knows her last name, suggesting they might be connected to her father. Seeing that they were able to come so quickly to the forest, her father and their old forest home are somehow connected.

Caroline rejoiced at the sound of flowing water a few hours later. She finds that it is a decent-sized creek and she takes off her makeshift wrap and her shoes and socks. Ignoring the sharp pain the water makes, she washes out the wound and neatly wraps it back up with the shirt already covered in dust.

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