Till We Meet Again

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Caroline calmed herself and let energy travel through her arms. She didn't open her eyes but felt light forming all around her. You are free, Carolien thought, protect this world by leaving it. Caroline could hear talking, but she ignored it as she let her powers go.

A big burst of energy knocked Caroline to the ground. When she opened her eyes again she found Jennefer holding her and everyone staring at something up in the sky. Caroline followed their gaze and rubbed her eyes.

"What's that?" Caroline mumbled, sitting up. With the help of Jennefer she stood up and the ninja looked at her to make sure she was okay. The thing flapped its wings and descended.

"It's been sitting up there while you were out," Lloyd explained as they all watched it. Now standing on her own Caroline walked forwards to meet the creature in front of everyone.

It was a dragon. Light blue scales covered its body, its slim body shimmering in the sunshine. Caroline stared at the dragon, it was beautiful. It stared at her with knowing eyes as it landed on the forest floor.

"Is it her powers?" Kai wondered.

"It seems they have returned to their natural form," Zane explained. Caroline knew it was her powers, the familiar feeling flowed through her as she reached out to touch the dragon.

"Come here," The dragon spoke in Carolien's head. Its voice was soft and kind as it looked at Jennefer. Jennefer stared at the dragon. Slowly she walked up to it, putting her hand next to Caroline's on its head.

"Did it just talk?" Jennefer whispered to Caroline. Caroline didn't respond but took her hand off the dragon's snout. Jennefer did the same and it raised its head.

"You have done well," The dragon's voice echoed in their heads. "I must leave now, but you will always have a part of me with you." leaning towards the girls, a small flame came from its mouth and flew into their crystal necklaces.

The crystals turned light blue and Caroline touched the necklace. She looked back up at the dragon and nodded her acceptance. Lifting back up in the air it began to glow, shrinking in the light, and the dragon, her powers, were gone.

The ninja regroup on the Destiny's Bounty, trying to decide their next move. Jennefer is talking to her father below deck while Caroline sits on the front of the ship, watching the sky as the fluffy clouds move slowly past.

"How are you doing?" Caroline turned around to see Cole behind her. Caroline stood up as Cole walked onto the second head located on the front of the ship. They stared at each other, trying to read each other's expressions.

"I try to imagine the future," Caroline said. "What I want to do now. I always thought I might be able to live with my father again, but I don't want to do that."

"We're thinking he might need to be in prison for a bit," Cole said. "We're contacting Wu about it." Someone called Cole and he smiled at her, then ran back to meet with the other ninja. Caroline followed more slowly, deep in thought.

Jennefer came up from below deck, Nya replacing her as a guard. She smiled at Caroline and gave her a hug.

"Dad's truly sorry," She said. Caroline knew Jennefer had forgiven their father, but Caroline couldn't forgive him, not yet.

"Can we live with Martha again?" Caroline asked, leaning away from Jennefer to watch her reaction. "At least for now. They think Dad should be in prison for now. I don't want to live with him anyway."

"Yes, that's a good idea," Jennefer agreed. "But let's talk to the ninja first." Caroline followed Jennefer to the bridge where the ninja were surrounding a screen. Wu had just stopped talking and the ninja turned towards them as they walked in.

"It's only been a few hours," Lloyd responded. "Everyone's ready to go, but we need to know where we're going," He seemed to be talking to Wu, but Caroline interrupted.

"I would like to go to a friend's," Caroline walked closer to the ninja, hoping Wu could also hear her. "And I want to stay there if it's okay with you guys."

"I thought," Cole started, but closed his mouth. Jennefer put her hand on Caroline's shoulder and nodded at the ninja.

"I think it would be good," Jennefer nodded. "But I still don't know if I want to stay with her or not."

"You're not staying with me?" Caroline looked at Jennefer in surprise.

"I might want to stay closer to Dad," She took her hands and played with them behind her back. She looked guilty and Caroline understood.

"That's alright," Caroline looked towards the ninja. "But if you could drop me off I would appreciate it. It's not that far, just in a forest behind the mountain."

They talked some more and it was settled. Caroline would be dropped off at Martha's and the ninja would take Mr. Garse to Ninjago City's prison. If Jennefer decided not to stay with Caroline she would find a place in Ninjago City to stay.

As Caroline expected, the trip to Martha's home wasn't far. Since there was nowhere to land the bounty Caroline would have to ride down on the anchor. Caroline forced herself to go below deck and see her father, Jennefer following for support.

He was tied to a chair in an empty room looking tired and defeated. He looked up as Caroline entered the room. He didn't say anything, but let her speak first.

"I'm going to stay with some friends I made," Caroline began to explain. She stared at her hopeful father, not sure what exactly she was doing down here. "I," she sighed. "I guess I just wanted to say goodbye. I don't know when we might see each other again, and I hope I've cleared my head a bit when we do."

"I have done unforgivable things," Mr. Garse looked longingly at his two little girls. "And I deserve to be punished. I hope you might accept me again, and I will wait till that time. You were right, a hero doesn't just save the world from evil. I was the hero, but I became the villain. Go and be the hero. I'm proud of you."

Caroline pondered those words as she said her goodbyes to the ninja. They felt like friends, but Caroline still didn't feel like they knew each other very well. Finally, it was time to descend to the wondering eyes of James down below.

"Be safe," Caroline gave Jennefer a big hug. "Stay in touch." Caroline glanced at the band she wore on her wrist, holding a communicator similar to the ninjas. Jennefer had one similar on her wrist as well.

"I will," They let go of each other and smiled. Looking into each other's eyes they knew the other would be happy. They knew they would see each other again, however long that might take.

Caroline stood on the metal anchor as it descended, waving up at the ninja looking over the deck. When she was close enough to the ground she jumped and the anchor rose again. James jumped at Caroline and she hugged him back.

Life may never be the same, but the future was looking bright. 

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