New Purpose

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Wu told the rest of the team what her real name was, so everyone was now calling her Caroline. It took a bit for her to get used to it, and the guys sometimes call her Violet by accident, but everything is returning to normal. At least for everyone else.

Caroline decided not to share the memory with anyone just yet. She wanted to figure things out for herself before telling the others, even Wu. The ninja stopped asking her questions after a while after they found out she was not going to tell them.

The ninja were trying to teach Caroline how to control her elemental powers, but every time she tried it reminded her of the memory. She would try to push it away, but she could never make more than a weak sphere.

"Just concentrate on what you want to make," Cole commanded, standing in front of Caroline in the courtyard. "You want a wall between you and me. Something to protect yourself with. Think."

Caroline closed her eyes, her hands outstretched in front of her. Taking a deep breath she concentrated hard, extending her powers between herself and Cole. She opened her eyes to see that a faint blue barrier was forming in front of her, Cole on the other side.

Looking at Cole, he quickly transformed into the man, frustrated in a bubble. Immediately Caroline lost her concentration and turned away.

"Come on, lets try again," Cole calmly instructed, but Caroline just shook her head. She hugged her body and looked at the ground, feeling Cole's concerned stare. "It's been almost a month, you should be improving now. What's holding you back?"

"Nothing," Caroline whispers, barely audible. Cole reaches out and lightly touches her shoulder, and she flinches slightly. Cole takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Let's head inside." was all he said. Caroline blindly followed him, not sure where they were going. Cole knocks on a door that Caroline recognizes as Wu's and doesn't look up when it opens.

"What seems to be the matter?" Wu asks, stepping out. There is silence, where Cole waits to see if Caroline responds, but she stays silent.

"Caroline is struggling," Cole answers for Caroline. "She's not controlling her powers, and something seems to be bothering her. I was wondering if there was any way you could help her."

"Why do you think she is not progressing?" Wu asks.

"Well, I'm not sure." Cole answers, scratching his neck. "But shouldn't she be progressing?"

"It has not been that long," Wu responds, starting to walk down the hallway. "She's just a child. Remember how long it took for Lloyd to control his powers. These things take time, and it's different for everyone."

"I can't stop thinking of the memory," I finally pipe up. We reach the courtyard, the sun shining above us through thin clouds. "The memory is vague on lots of things, and I can't help but wonder." I stop, looking from Cole to Wu. These people have become like family, yet something was missing.

Caroline sits on the step, twiddling with her hands. "I was being chased. I don't know where but it was a forest. Every time I try to use my powers I envision the man, who I had trapped in a bubble. I can't get past the fear I felt. I was ten years old, which makes me wonder how old I am now." Caroline buries her face in her hands, and someone puts a hand on her back, rubbing it in comfort.

Looking up she saw Nya, a comforting smile upon her face. Immediately Caroline leaned into her, Nya flinching, surprised at the action. Caroline gave her a big hug and after a while Nya gave in and gave her a hug back.

"Something is missing, someone I love is out there, but I don't know who they are."

They sat there for a long time, slowly the others joined them until they were all out in the courtyard, watching Caroline and Nya. Finally Caroline sat up and looked into everyone's faces. "I wish I could remember more. Being stuck here is making me restless, I need to go somewhere else for a while. See if I can remember anything else."

"Can't Master Wu give you some more of that potion?" Cole asked. "You know, to show you something else from your past." Everyone looked at Wu and he shook his head sadly.

"Why not?" Jay said, outraged. "It will help her get answers and control her powers!"

"It would be dangerous. After being exposed to one memory it is up to Caroline to find the rest, find herself." Wu responded. "That will take some time I'm afraid."

"I don't know if I want to find out anymore," Caroline said, standing up. Just seeing them wanting to help her opened up something inside of her. "I ran to protect someone, and I am going to keep it that way. If I can build a better life with you guys, I'll do that."

"But, don't you want answers?" Kai asks. "I know I wanted to find my parents. I longed to know what happened to them. And when I found out what happened, it was the best feeling."

"I did," Caroline whispered. "But now I realize that if I can learn to control my powers, build a new life, I can help Ninjago stay safe. For some reason, I feel like that should be my top priority."

Caroline walks through the ninja and stops to look at the wall of the monastery. Their paintings illustrated the ninja's accomplishments, how many times they saved Ninjago from being destroyed.

"Whatever you decide to do, we will support you," Lloyd promised, putting his hand on Caroline's shoulder. One by one the other ninja stood beside her, linking hands. Standing in front of the mural, they all grabbed each other's hands. Caroline grasped Lloyds hand on her right and Nya's on the left, feeling like she was where she belonged for the first time since they found her.

"We should go camping." Jay pipes up, making everyone look at him funny. "What? We all need a break. Come on, training after a victory? We need a break!"

"What a way to ruin the moment," Kai said, rolling his eyes.

"He may be correct," Zane adds. Everyone stops holding hands, but Caroline notices that Lloyd hesitated for a moment before letting go. "Working too hard can burn you out. Everyone needs to take breaks sometimes."

"But why camping?" Cole asks. "I don't think we've ever gone camping just for fun. Usually on missions and stuff but never because we wanted to."

"Exactly, it might be fun," Lloyd says, looking around at Wu. "What do you think?" Silence follows as everyone waits for a response. Slowly Wu nods his head, thinking.

"Yes, that sounds like a great plan," He agrees. "And I may have the perfect place for you guys to go." 

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