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The ninja were surprised to see how skilled Caroline was. She beat everyone except Wu in hand-to-hand combat and overpowered everyone with her elemental power. She showed them all her skills until dusk when Caroline decided to go get ready for her journey.

She packed a few clothes and supplies into a bag Nya had given her. As the sky darkened she wondered if she should leave tonight instead of waiting in the morning. She didn't like the idea of saying goodbye to the Ninja after all they had done for her.

She decided that it would be rude to leave in the middle of the night so she climbed into bed and tried to get some sleep for the next day. The night moved slowly onward, and Caroline woke up at the first sign of sunlight.

She cleaned up the room before heading out to the courtyard. Slowly the ninja made their way outside. Caroline observed the mural as she waited, becoming anxious and fidgety as time went on.

Finally, everyone was in the courtyard. Caroline walked over to them, her bag over her shoulder.

"I still don't understand why one of us can't go with you," Lloyd said. The ninja all nodded in agreement.

"You guys are needed here. Besides, she wouldn't trust any of you, I wouldn't trust you either if I didn't know you guys." Caroline tried to explain. "I don't know when I will find her, but I plan to return if that is okay with you."

"Of course it is," Nya responded. "Oh, and we have something for you." She held out her hand and Caroline reached out to grab the item. It was a small earpiece.

"It will help us track you," Jay explained. "And you can contact us if you need to." Caroline put it in her ear, convincing herself that her ear would get used to it over time.

"Thanks," Caroline said. "I am going to miss you guys, but you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine on my own." At those words, Jay rushed up and gave her a hug. Slowly one by one the ninja joined the hug until Caroline was in the middle of a large ninja sandwich.

"Bye! Safe travels!" The ninja called as Caroline left them at the gates of the monastery. Caroline waved back as she started on the journey down the many stairs.

She didn't even know where to start looking. As she reached Ninjago she slowly made her way up and down the streets. Before the Oni had come they had only been here for one day. Caroline didn't know the city well enough to know where her sister might be.

Caroline wondered if her sister had stayed in the city to look for her. As she wandered the streets she remembered something Jennefer had told her a long time ago.

"If we ever get separated, let's meet up at the last palace we slept. If we are separated for a long time we should hide notes there instead, telling the other one what's going on."

Caroline pondered her sister's words as she tried to remember where they were the night the Oni attacked. She put the hood of her green sweatshirt over her head, blushing at the thought that she once had a crush on Lloyd.

She wandered the streets all day, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She almost wished she let the ninja come with her, but she knew they would only bring attention to her.

As the sun began to set Caroline suddenly stopped and looked at a building that looked familiar. It was a small pawn shop, where Caroline and Jennefer had slept behind on their first night in Ninjago.

Sneaking behind it, she was disappointed to see that Jennefer was nowhere to be found. She began looking around, hoping to find some hidden message. Something made noise in her ear and Caroline jumped and turned around in a defensive stance.

"Pixel to Caroline, can you hear me?" Caroline let out a breath as she remembered the communicator in her ear. She clicked the button on the communicator to let them hear her voice.

"That scared me," Caroline replied. "I hear you." Caroline continued searching in the dim light for something that could give her a clue.

"We just wanted to make sure the radio was working." Jay's voice could be heard. "Have you found anything yet?" Now getting too dark to see, Caroline found the flashlight in her backpack and flicked it on.

"You expect me to find something within one day of searching?" Caroline shone the flashlight along the wall and was about to give up when she saw something sticking out of the wall.

"We see your location, you're still in Ninjago City," Jay commented. While listening to Jay Caroline pulled a piece of paper from the crack in the wall and began reading the small message written on it.

I have waited and found that this location is no longer safe. I will be following our tracks and staying for two days. I hope you are safe and get this message. J.

Jay was talking about how the locator worked when Caroline interrupted him. "If you can see my location, how far away am I from the edge of the city?" There was silence for a few moments before Pixal replied.

"You are only five blocks away from the edge of the city. If you follow the North road it will lead you out." She instructed. "Are you heading out?"

"Yes," Caroline replied, pocketing the note. "And don't track me all the time, it's kinda creepy, and unnecessary. I can take care of myself." Noises were heard in the background that almost sounded like protests.

"We will pin your location every month, just to make sure." Pixel finally replied. "And we will track your movements if you ever contact us again."

"Thank you," Caroline said gratefully. "And to whichever ninjas are listening as well, thank you for helping me find myself again." She switched the coms off and made her way back into the dark street.

Night had really fallen by the time Caroline reached the edge of the city. She looked back at the glowing lights and then back at the darkness that lay beyond. Suddenly a roar of an engine could be heard and a vehicle stopped beside Caroline in the street.

The truck looked like a normal truck, but as the door opened on its own and Caroline heard Pixal's voice she knew it must have some special gadgets. "I hope this helps you on your journey. Sorry, but I couldn't resist." Caroline jumped into the vehicle, smiling at the fancy screens and interior that is hidden behind the old truck disguise. Pixel did think of everything.

"Thanks," Caroline said, not knowing if Pixel heard her. She grabbed onto the steering wheel, hesitant because she didn't actually know how to drive. She looked at the screens on the dashboard.

"Uh, car?" Caroline asked uncertainty in her voice. "Can you follow the road?" The car rumbled and began traveling down the straight road. "Here we go," Caroline murmured. 

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