Peaceful Attack

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Caroline felt herself wake up. It was dark and her eyelids were closed. Her body ached but she had no way of opening her eyes or figuring out where she was. Slowly voices reached her ears before the sound of footsteps came closer.

"I'm going to try again," The sound of Mr. Garse's voice was recognizable and Caroline wondered what he was going to do. "I can't control her when she's unconscious, and she has been for too long now. I thought it would have only been a day but,"

His voice trailed off and Caroline wondered how long she had been unconscious for. Her fingers twitched, then her arm wiggled. Finally, her eyes opened and her arms pushed herself into a sitting position.

"She's awake," Mr. Garse said with relief. The other man in the room nodded in agreement. It was the pilot, were they still in Ninjago City? "Let me explain. You are still in there, right Caroline? I hope you are, and you must be confused. Samurai-X defeated the monster, but that's okay because we have located the Ninja's home!"

"Are we going to meet them?" Controlled Caroline's voice was forced again to talk. She realized that the ninja would recognize her. How would her dad take that news? Had Jennefer made it to the Ninja in time to warn them?

"Yes, you are going to talk to them, become their friends," Mr. Garse explained. "Then you will convince them to retire and tell them you will protect the city. It's perfect, no fighting just like you wanted."

Caroline hated the plan, especially since the ninja already knew her. Would they think she really took her father's side? She continued to worry when her father didn't tell her anything else but said he would let her rest.


The following morning, or at least that's what Caroline assumed, her father dropped her off on the side of the ninja's mountain. Her body climbed up the side of the mountain Caroline wondered how her father was able to control her when he was not with her. Could he see everything she was seeing right now?

Controlled Caroline continued to climb until she reached the wall of the Monastery. Sounds of cheer and a noise she could not identify came from inside. Silently she made her way to the roof and looked into the courtyard.

A magenta portal sat in the middle of the courtyard and Lloyd jumped through it. The portal disappeared and the ninja greeted each other like they had been separated. Controlled Caroline dropped back down on the outside of the wall and made her way around to the front door.

Hesitating a bit, Controlled Caroline stood at the door. Caroline wondered if her father had a real plan or not. She knew the ninja would know who she was, but her father didn't know. What would happen if he found out?

Controlled Caroline knocked on the door. Silence fell on the courtyard inside and Pixal opened the door. She didn't say anything, but she had a calculating look in her eye as if she was trying to figure something out.

The door opened more to reveal the ninja. Controlled Caroline's mouth opened to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden appearance. The person came barreling towards her, giving her a big hug.

Caroline's heart felt light. Jennefer squeezed her in a tight hug and it took a moment for Controlled Caroline to react. Caroline wanted to talk to Jennefer, tell her everything that had happened, but her father made her say nothing.

"I thought I lost you," Jennifer exclaimed. She leaned back to look at Caroline's face, and she seemed disappointed. Caroline felt her face rearrange into an expression of pure joy. "How did you escape?"

"With a bit of help from my elemental powers," Controlled Caroline explained.

"Were you able to talk to him?" Jennefer asked. Controlled Caroline shook her head. Caroline tried to fight, but it was impossible.

"Well, we found the end of the road!," Jennefer said. All throughout this the ninja stayed silent and Controlled Caroline glanced at them. Jennefer studied Caroline when she didn't respond. "Don't you remember?"

"Yeah, of course I do!" Controlled Caroline grasped Jennefer's hand. "And I'm so happy! I would like to meet the ninja now if you could introduce me?"

That was the ticket. Jennefer's smile faded but was immediately replaced. The ninja gave Caroline surprised looks. Jennefer quickly turned around to face them. Jay opened his mouth to say something but looked at Jennefer and stopped.

"Of course," Jennefer said. "This is Cole, Kai, Nya, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Master Wu. Oh, and Pixel of course." The ninja looked thoroughly confused and speechless. Jennefer invited Caroline in and the door closed behind her.

"You must be tired from your journey, you can rest in my room for now," Jennefer said, turning back to Caroline. "You can talk to the ninja later. I already explained everything to them so you don't have to say anything."

"Oh, okay," Controlled Caroline said hesitantly. "I would love to rest." Jennefer led Caroline through the ninja and into a room. By the furniture, Jennefer hadn't been there very long. A sleeping bag rested on the floor and the supplies were strewn around the room.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, then I want to hear all about your adventure," Jennefer said once Controlled Caroline had sat down on the sleeping bag. "Be right back," She closed the door behind her, and Caroline was forced to stare at the door.

Her father didn't move her from her criss-cross position on the floor, constantly looking at the wooden door. Caroline pondered Jennefer's actions and silently thanked her. Now her father didn't know that she knew the ninja, but how long would that last? How well could her father capture her personality?

Caroline could almost feel her father's worry about Jennefer. He would have to create a story to explain how she escaped and how she got to the Ninja's Monastery. Caroline never knew her father to be an imaginative man.

Caroline remembered what her father had told her. She was going to be forced to talk the ninja into retirement so she could be the hero. No physical conflict is required to reach the top of the heroes list. 

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