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The others returned with the ingredients for the tea. Caroline didn't practice her powers much, but she did practice making an orb. The next week the tea was ready and everyone stood in the courtyard, ready for whatever was going to happen.

It was a sunny day with no clouds. The ninja stood in a circle while Caroline sat on the ground in the middle of the courtyard. She felt strange being down on the ground but she knew it was for her safety.

"Explain again what the plan is," Wu said as he walked towards Caroline. Caroline took a deep breath before she began. She couldn't explain why this was the right thing to do, but she felt like it was right and everyone else reluctantly agreed.

"I am going to take the tea, revealing a memory. Hopefully it will be the same memory from last time and then Lloyd will read the letter, which I have not looked at yet. Since that triggered my memories last time it should happen again and when I say NOW Zane will shoot his power at me, then Cole, then Kai, and finally Jay."

"What do you do once you have the powers?" Nya asked, "And how will you know you will be able to control your powers?"

"You worry about your part, I'll worry about mine," Caroline responded. She couldn't show them how scared she was. To tell the truth, Caroline didn't know what she was going to do. No one could prepare for something like this because no one knew exactly what was going to happen.

"Be careful Cali," Cole said. Caroline nodded and took the cup of tea from Wu. He backed away and Caroline took a deep breath, putting the cup to her mouth.

She swallowed it and braced herself. It took a few moments for it to take effect, and she was surprised at what she felt. Wu told her she would slip into a memory, but she saw a bunch of memories all at once. Her head began to swim and she stood up as quickly as she could.

"NOW!" She screamed, fighting to keep her eyes open. She looked at Zane, hoping he would understand. She knew the pain and knew what was going to happen. In one fluid motion, he shot ice at her, which she caught in a sphere. With her hands out in front of her, she caught the other four elements shot at her.

Caroline fell to her knees, her eyes begging to close as she focused on the orb in front of her. The elements inside began to swirl in a bright golden color and Caroline understood. With all her willpower she expanded the orb and put it around her.

Caroline closed her eyes as the golden glow surrounded her. Lifting off her feet she hoped her powers were still containing the magic swirling around her. She relaxed and let the pain overtake her as all her senses disappeared in the magic she had created.

Unconscious, Caroline watched her life like a movie, snapshots of the most important moments flashing before her. She understood everything and even remembered everything she went through with the ninja. As she reached her last memory everything faded back to black.


"She's still asleep."

"I hope she's alright."

"She's so strong, I really hoped it worked."

Caroline heard the voices. They were very soft but continued to grow louder as her senses woke up. Her body hurt and she didn't dare move from her position on the soft bed. After a few moments, she recognized the voices and slowly opened her eyes to turn towards their voices.

"Caroline!" It was Cole. "You're awake." Blinking at the light-filled room she recognized Wu and Nya also in the room. She didn't know what to do, the versions they knew of her were completely different from who she actually was.

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